SpyTHINK 098: KOTCS INTER-Dimensional Beings--NOT ET--Colluded with Ancient Civilizations = Satanic Demons


The Making of "Indiana Jones & the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull"


"Indiana Jones: The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull" aka KOTCS for short is a detested movie by fans--but not as disliked as "Indiana Jones: the Temple of Doom" (TOD) which has the yummy buxom Kate Capshaw later Mrs. Spielberg!


Casting error of Shia LeBeouf as Indy's son who lacks the charisma & gravitas of an older River Phoenix from "The Last Crusade" would have been had he not self-destructed IRL. Gravitas as in RESPONSIBILITY--Indy's son must be a moral stoic as defined by Phoenix (sadly he did NOT rise from his ashes) in the earlier adventure--not a nihilistic hedonist. We don't LIKE--much less care about him--demolishing the intended father/son and mother/son, father/mother/son empathetic effects.

Too much CGI disengaged the audience's suspension of disbelief: the jungle chase CONCEPT is thrilling but the CGI should not have been used instead shot realistically aka "practically" as ROTLA and TLC did. Take longer and use stunt men and women. No hurry. DO IT RIGHT.

KOTCS does show an "air motorized" 3D mobility application of a motorcycle in an AN-2 "Colt" STOL biplane featured at the end of the Stallone Expendables 2 saga as a Special Operations team vehicle.

I love the Ford GEEP (not a DUKW) amphibious car with nose-mounted M2 Browning Heavy Machine Gun (HMG) getting a starring role getting TEAM INDY down 3x waterfall steps, but the writers employ Reality-Skipping Story-Telling (RSST) and just jump TEAM COMMIE somehow on dry-land-dependent feet/legs catching up to them quickly even with electric bread crumbs dropped by the former MI6-SIS spy-turned-greedy traitor for the Soviets. Another blatant example of RSST is HOW did Indy/Marion get off the secret U-Boat base island at the end of ROTLA?

The McGuffins

As a crate is busted open in the 1957 Area 51 storage building, we see the Ark of the Covenant from ROTLA updating its geolocation. Its implied from ROTLA and KOTCS that its lid hasn't been removed because God will kill everyone who does--which is not indicated in the King James Bible (KJB). Moreover, in ROTLA the STONE 10x Commandments is shown as DUST which is UBER NIHILIST BULLSHIT--actual stone things withstand THOUSANDS of years of exposure to TBATE elemental forces so it damn well would have been intact--secular pagans Spielberg/Lucas don't want it intact--lest mankind be held accountable to live morally when actually the Old Testament was a PLAN B post-Garden of Eden PLAN A failure--an EXPERIMENT with a test subject, Israel to see if mankind could keep God's 624xish laws? The answer is NO.

I am angered that Spielberg/Lucas "didn't go to Sunday school" enough to have the basic wire diagram of the Christian faith--they can understand it even if they don't want to believe it.

The piece of manna bread airdropped from heaven by God to feed the fleeing Israelites during the Exodus from Egypt? OK; it might be dust now even inside an air-tight Ark. Maybe not.

KOTCS proposes the McGuffin of a crystal skull from an actual, temporal living being--not "art" aka man-made reproductions as shown rather explicitly by the hot Russian chick pulling back on the dead flesh of a "grey" showing them not to be composed of calcium bones--but crystal.

What I think audiences dislike mostly of KOTCS is the UNPLEASANT SUBJECT MATTER "Ancient Aliens" like the bugs 'n thugees from TOD. It's REALLY unpleasant stuff to portray there BEING NO ALL-POWERFUL CREATOR GOD and we just got our beginner's civilizational technology from temporal, immoral, asshole greys--whether they be ETs or ITs. No cuddly ETs here. Just archaeologists collecting human artifacts along the way--like the "Predator" aliens acquire humans as hunting trophies in that movie universe. It means we have to save ourselves--conquer death by technology--exactly what Satanist theosophists want as transhumanism.


Perpetuating fallen human life is a bleak prospect as we discussed about the earlier TLC's Holy Grail conflated as a Garden of Edenic "fountain of youth" aka Tree of Life.      


As someone who knows more of the truth than Spielberg/Lucas (what can I say? Is there some soft, gentle way to say your house is on fire, GET THE FUCK OUT!?) a better story would have been Indy warding off the Soviet Russians and the Ark re-located to the Smithsonian in Washington D.C. for safer keeping. Indy finds this out and assembles a crack team to crack the case and get into the maximum security building's basement to finish the mission from ROTLA--using remotely operated TV cameras to "see" what's IN the Ark. Remember, Indy does NOT know there is only dust (BS) inside from his/Marion's (disad) vantage point tied to the stake. I have a real-world plot twist for this I don't feel compelled to share until I can present it as a coherent fan fiction story; "Indiana Jones & Raiders of the Found Ark" (ROTFA). Stay tuned.

If the Indy universe owners want to go to the Amazon--do it properly and state El Dorado; the City of Gold is IN THE HOLLOW EARTH and in 1925, the IRL inspiration for Indy Jones--British Army Colonel Percy Fawcett, son and team went missing looking for it. Commander Ian Fleming's brother, Peter (who later was a LTC in SOE in WW2) went looking for them but didn't find them. We propose a different series of events:



What Really Did Happen?

Tying ROTLA in with ROTFA, with KOTCS, I truly believe--just a theory--that after the Universal Flood, the Ark's magnificent builder (Jesus was a carpenter, too = GMTA) Noah was in a competition to restore technology to societies on their ass with Satan's operatives (Nimrod's Tower of Babel; think original Star Trek re-boot, movie with Chris Pine) to gain mankind's allegiance. Graham Hancock's Fingerprints of the Gods describing white bearded men giving technology methinks was Noah and his sons with bodies able to still live several hundreds of years and the sharing of wine-tech is a "tell" for him. Just my hunch.   

This post-flood technology IMHO included flight which explains the Nazca lines but less-than-100 year life span humans are not going to replicate pre-flood, Atlantis/Lemuria made by humans living upwards of 500x years or more.

Flying Saucers & Anti-Gravity Craft

In a homage to James Bond movies in reverse, Indiana's brown fedora is blown off the hat rack and flies spinning in the air to be picked up by Mutt then recovered by Indy before he could even think of trying it on. The movie makers must have realized Shia is not up to the job of being a new Indy Jones Jr. Nor is the sexy breasty Phoebewhatever gal...as they plan on murdering THE ENTIRE SERIES with time travel nihilism in Indy 5.  


John 3:16

Semper Airborne!

James Bond is REAL. 
