"007 Indiana Jones: Diamonds Are For Never"

Ascension Island Hospital

Bond & Vesper knocked and entered room 113. 

"Glad to see you two recovering well!"

"That quik clot stopped us from bleeding out, we owe you our lives!"

"Think nothing of it...all in a day's work..."

"James, we need to take down these S.P.I.T.E. fuckers once and for all..."

"We need to kill the head of the snake..."

"Who is?"

"We'll ask Dr. Swann, she knows..."

Vesper and Bond leave the hospital room...

"Wait, Vesper...I have something for you..."

Bond presents her a huge diamond ring...

Vesper is stunned, puts it on her finger, marvels....looks into his eyes...wraps her arms around his neck and kisses him... 

Dr. Swann's London Safe House Apartment

"Only if you bring my mum back to life"

"Gotya covered...tell me EVERYTHING you know about where and when your mum was shot, Q will take me back to the exact spot I need to be to stop this mother fucker"

"Safin, fucker"



Bond calls Swann from her Norway family home. 

"I'm in position. After I fix history you'll feel a WAVE of reality changing...I can't explain it...but place a cup somewhere...after the time change wave sweeps over you the cup may not be there..."

"I got this NO FEAR cup that says "If you can't win, don't try"".


Norway, 1969

"Where did YOU come from?"

"The future...you have NONE"

Bond shoots Safin dead. 

007 Indiana Jones: Diamonds Are For Never

London, Today

The time ripple wave sweeps over Swann.

Startled, she walks over to her cup in the sink and picks it up. It says:

"I LUV MOM" with a recent photo of her. 

Swann breaks out in tears.

"James, you are the best!"

"C" Denby threatens both Ms with 9 EYES 1984 Tyranny

Denby walked in without invitation into M's office wher Mallory and Bond were having a meeting of the minds. 

"We must calm the sheeple about this terrorist attacks and AGC Nephilim stuff with our own 1984"

M was enraged at his arrogance. 

"Like you and your CIA buddy fuckers instigate?"

Denby leaves. 

"Bond go interview that Mexico City assassin's wife... I have a hunch he was working for S.P.I.T.E. to push their 1984 agenda by terror FFA attacks"

Bond travels to Rome Saves the Mexico City Mistress, and crashes the S.P.I.T.E. Meeting


London Safe House 

"I saw him, he's my half brother Blofeld"

"I'm his shrink"

"Oh, great!" 

A knock at the door. A messenger gives them an envelope which Bond opens. 

"Blofeld has invited us both to his North African observatory, how quaint!"

Bond and Swann head to Blofeld's North African Base...

Then destroys it...


London Show Down 

The new assistant M kills C Denby before he can turn-on his new GCHQ spy center. 

Blofeld survives and is captured trying to escape by helicopter.

Secretly pregnant with Bond's child, Swann goes into long-term hiding. 

S.P.I.T.E. Moves to Exterminate Most of the Human Race



S.P.I.T.E. agents extract MI6 scientist Valdo Obruchev, who secretly works for Blofeld from a London laboratory and steal Project HERACLES, a programmable DNA-targeting nanobot bioweapon developed under M's oversight. While Vesper is spending time with her sick mum, Bond vacationing in Jamaica, is contacted by CIA ally Felix Leiter and State Department agent Logan Ash, who ask for Bond's help extracting Obruchev from a S.P.I.T.E. party in Cuba. Bond declines--but later accepts after Nomi, Agent 008, warns him not to interfere with her own extraction of Obruchev.

MI6-SIS Headquarters

"Mes. What's going on here with 008?"

"S.P.I.T.E. has stolen our secret bio weapon."

"What are we doing develop such horrid things?"

"We as in the moral stoical persons in Her Majesty's government are not, but SPITE has compartmentalized bioweapons labs in UKRaine along with their child trafficking and murdering for adrenochrome. These nanobots in the blood won't help the Satanis buggers live longer but they will kill us all if we take their deathvaxes..."

"My vacation is cancelled?"

"Afraid so..."


Bond infiltrates the party with Paloma, a sexy Cuban agent assisting Leiter. Blofeld, overseeing the gathering from Belmarsh prison through his henchman, 2IC, Primo's bionic eye, disperses a nanobot mist to kill Bond. However, Obruchev has reprogrammed the nanobots under Bolfeld's orders to just kill the rival Rockefeller S.P.I.T.E. members instead. 

Outmaneuvering Nomi with Paloma's help, Bond brings Obruchev to Ash and Leiter aboard a fishing trawler. 

Ash is revealed to be a double agent working for Blofeld, and he shoots Leiter and traps him with Bond below deck, fleeing with Obruchev by seaplane after triggering explosives to sink the ship. Leiter dies of his wounds, but Bond escapes and has Q go back in time to save him.

Bond angrily returns to London, seeking to interrogate Blofeld about Obruchev, but Blofeld reportedly only speaks to his psychiatrist, Swann. 

MI6 arranges for Bond to visit Blofeld alongside Swann. Blofeld tricks Swann into infecting herself with a nanobot dose to assassinate Bond. Meeting Swann in Belmarsh Prison, Bond unknowingly infects himself with Swann's nanobots with a not-so-friendly kiss. Swann becomes too distressed to face Blofeld, and she flees, telling Bond only that she is going "home.

Bond meets Swann in Norway and he meets her daughter Mathilde. Swann insists that Mathilde is not his child--but shares intelligence that her father gathered about Blofeld and his south Japanese sea family owned island. The following day, MI6 alerts Bond that Ash is approaching his location. Ash and several armed thugs ambush Bond, Mathilde, and Swann as they flee in their car, pursuing them into a nearby forest. Bond orders Swann and Mathilde to hide while he confronts Ash and his forces. He defeats Ash's men before killing Ash, avenging Leiter's death, but Primo kidnaps Swann and Mathilde who fortunately have tracking devices showing they went to the S.P.I.T.E. island base in the south Japanese sea.

Secret Missile Base in the Sea of Japan

Q provides Bond and Nomi with a submersible glider to infiltrate Primo's headquarters, a missile base in the Sea of Japan that has been converted into a nanobot factory. Bond and Nomi plan to rescue Swann and Mathilde before ordering a missile strike on the facility. Bond confronts Primo, who flees with Mathilde--but later releases her and Swann.

Primo's men shoot Bond in his stomach and capture him.

Primo's Cave

"Why the South China sea, Primo?"

"The better to exterminate 2x BILLION Chinese to start the ball rolling..."

"I thought you made a deal to NOT mass murder the CCP's population base?"


"Hahaha, Mr. Bond! We changed our minds. We're EVIL. That's what evil does.."

"Thanks for the learning opportunity..."

"We'll launch some hypersonic ballistic missiles filled with nanobot blooded mosquitoes into the Chinese main population senters and they'll be dying like flies..."

"You're already dying, Mr. Bond! Blofeld gave Dr. Swann the nanobots and she gave them to you with a fatal kiss..."

Bond weakened by blood loss lowers his head...

Primo mocks him by patting his head...

Bond comes to life in a burst of energy and chokes Primo..

"I'm not DEAD yet...but YOU are..."

Bond reunites with Swann and Mathilde. Nomi kills Obruchev by kicking him into an acid pool, then prepares to move Swann and Mathilde off the island by rubber boat when Bond passes out from blood loss from a bullet would he should have prevented by wearing Hard Body Armor (HBA). 

Bond dreams...

Bond kills Primo's remaining men, and opens the silo doors for missiles launched from HMS Dragon to penetrate. Bond rushes back to the control room when the silo doors suddenly begin closing, but is ambushed by Primo who was NOT choked dead, who repeatedly shoots Bond and infects him with a new different type of nanobots programmed to murder Swann and Mathilde. Bond shoots Primo dead and reopens the silo doors, but realises that should he escape, the nanobots he is infected with would kill Swann and Mathilde. Bond radios Swann to say goodbye, expressing his love for her and Mathilde, who she confirms is his daughter. The missiles destroy the facility, and Bond dies in the resulting explosion.

Bond awakes after Swann poured some water on his face...shaking his head from his bad dream....

"Bad dream?"

"No, Bad IDEA". 


Bond stops Nomi, Swann and Mathilde on the rubber boat and joins them. 

"There's no need to open silo doors for ballistic missiles to destroy Primo's base. We'll do Bomb damage assessment from a stand-off; if the salvo doesn't do the job, we'll just order another and another...this nanobot thing is too contagious to even be near those scum bags"

"Sound thinking, James!"

The S.P.I.T.E. Missile Base is Destroyed by Precision Directed Munitions (PDMs)

"Now let's us go to Q's lab and get rid of the nanobots from both our blood systems..."

Swann confirms Mathilde is Bond's daughter. 

MI6-SIS Headquarters, London, U.K., Q's Lab

Bond and Swann are on tables exchanging their entire blood supply with new, clean blood. 

Q and Vesper are watching from a hidden window.

"He cheated on me!"

 "Darling, he did not. Swann is a doctor you know....she drugged him and ehh, collected his sperm without knowing...it lines up exactly with the child's age..."

"I'm still pissed..."

"Well, he pissed against his will...we as a society have yet to reconcile the acts of people with amnesia and CIA MKULTRA mind kontrol, too....are they guilty of their crimes like mass shootings to get guns banned to death kamp us all?"

"You have a point, Q"

Vesper hugs him. 

"I should make valid points more often!"

MI6-SIS GIANT Conference Room

ALL of the Double 0 agents from around the world are assembled in a circle sitting on desks.

M stands up and walks into the center.

"We have assembled all of you, 00 agents together for the 1st time since Operation THUNDERBALL in 1965. This is a HUGE operational security risk but we must re-set all of you to defeat this 'Hate Upset' New World Order digital  tyranny underway by S.P.E.C.T.R.E.'s World Economic Forum Satanists who are now to be known as S.P.I.T.E.; the Satanist Pedophile Illuminati Theosophist Evil secret society criminal racketeering organization."

Murmurs by all the agents.  

"To brief you on the threat, we have an American, or more accurately AmeroBabylonian, Felix Leiter whose own S.P.I.T.E.-run CIA just tried to murder him, but we saved him by an almost miraculous device from Q and Dr. Indiana Jones."

Felix stands and has his personal assistant lower a huge flat screen for everyone to see. 

"Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not. For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect."

---God, Almighty, King James Bible, Matthew 24:23-24

"Gentlemen and ladies. We are in possibly FATAL technological jeopardy by the Satanists who have dumbed down most of the world's 8.5 BILLION people into technologically ignorant consumer materialists who have no stomach for the details of anything with their limited I.Q. minds barely able to handle just 1 idea at time over-flowing with DISinformation noise piped into their self phone camera mini-computers beginning in around 2015." 


"On top of this they think they know it all and insufferable smart asses who think by mentally poking holes in everything they are somehow free of the fatal, physical consequences of the evil they tolerate all around and inside them." 




James offered to Leiter.

"Give them an example. 

"Take civilians with no military national service because S.P.I.T.E. doesn't want kinetic-reality connected Citizens but weaklings, investigative journalists Clayton & Natali Morris. They UNwisely moved their family and their entire news operation from safe Portugal overseas to one of the most S.P.I.T.E. cursed and controlled nihilist hedonist, druggie poisoned state of Colorado where illegal immigrant thugs are taking over entire apartment buildings as both Free Masonic Law Enforcement Officers (LEOs) and the pot smoking population do nothing."

Whistles across the room. 

"Team REDACTED as they call themselves broadcasts daily but refuse to respond to PROFESSIONAL subject matter experts warning them of the great danger they are in and to re-locate immediately to a nearby state with a moral, stoical ARMED populace like Idaho. They will host SMEs on subjects like how S.P.I.T.E. skyjacked the Malaysian Boeing 777 airliner, MH370 by remote control like used by them for the 9/11 False Flag Attacks that caused the moral panic beginning our current age of despairand then made it disappear into the 4th Dimension using Anti-Gravity Craft (AGC) orbs like the Nazi's WW2 'Foo Fighters'. They then torured the UNwisely clusterfucked Chinese software engineersfor technical intelligence then murdered them.19 family members were pinged for 4 days after their capture and no one rescued them from our island atoll, Diego Garcia to our ever-lasting shame"


"However, as secular humanists they refuse to acknowledge our real enemy is SUPERNATURAL and is Satan with 1/3 of Heaven's angels some speculate as being 33x million devils. REDACTED refuses to admit to the existence of S.P.I.T.E. and therefore think they are somehow quote safe unqote posing no direct threat to them by using pussy coward terms like 'DEEP STATE' our Canadian colleague, Peter Dale Scott created from Attaturk's'Young Turks as a descriptive tool not a tool coward's cop-out. Play the video summarizing the technological threats"


Leiter turns over the presentation to Dr. Jones:

"Our dear friend, the late Jim Marrs concluded our organization's hero, Master Spy, Commander Ian Fleming was murdered to prevent him from publicly condemning the CIA Dulles Warren Commission white-wash of his group ambush murder of President Kennedy in 1963."

"The pic you see is of MH370 temporarily disappearing into the 4th dimension like done in the infamous 'Philadelphia Experiment'."

"After the FLOOD, how long was human society on it's ass? The Babylonian/Sumerian LIE of alien/E.T.s landing here for mono-atomic gold powder to life extend is EXACTLY the lie put forth in witchcraft's 'Book of Shadows' defector John Todd/Collins warned about. Sadly, atheist Jim Marrs bought into evolutionary lies and plugs in gold slave race lies to be the "missing link" by DNA perversion by Satan and his devils. REDACTED is also in love with alien/E.T.s which are nothing more than upgraded versions of hideous, elves, gremlins and fairies...

The Iraqi National Museum 2003 Iraq War heist for ancient technology relics by S.P.I.T.E. 'grave robbers'. Hussein deluded he was reincarnated Nebucchanezar who threw captive Israeli priests into his golden furnace to try to murder them but they were rescued by the Lord Jesus Christ.

Marrs warned that the Nazis reverse-engineered, ancient Satanic technologies into Anti-Gravity Craft (AGC) aka flying saucers. SS Director Kammler disappears with this technology we think Base 211 in Antarctia and Argentina. Bill Lyne says the 1950s Anti-Gravity Craft infatuation culminated with AmeroBabylon having flying saucers he personally witnessed in population-empty Texas in about 1953.


Action Reaction Rocketry (ARR) is very weak to go 250,00x miles to the Moon. ARR spacecraft being helped by 4th dimensional capture is a fascinating possibility.

The horrid 1947 National Security Act (NSA 47) has damned us into the current prison planet where all the nation's resources are at the disposal of S.P.I.T.E. and their dangerous scientists who are attacking the building blocks of reality.

Cause of conCERN



Jim must not have been aware of the vast evidence revealed by Terziski of Nazi flying saucer human AGC. Satanic deviltry not non-existent, alien/E.T. reverse engineering.


Large human AGC are to TRANSPORT S.P.I.T.E. elites in event of an ELE as well as FAKE ALIEN INVASION as von Braun warned.


Von Braun was the Rockefeller SPITE backed liquid ARR proponent who rivaled the Rothschild solid rocket pioneer, Jack Parsons who in cahoots with Aleister Crowley and frustrated naval officer and science fiction writer, L. Ron Hubbard (stole Parsons, wife, too!) concocted the Scientology fake religion of Satanic techno-theosophy.

Parson's Wife who Hubbard Stole (among other things)



Marrs conflates pre-FLOOD, Satanic DNA hybrid perversions which perverts our creation narrative.


He does summarize the evil Antarctica dirty tricks going on that we recently put a nuclear kabosh on.


Marrs anti-Christian libels are tragic; he should have experienced a Deliverance minister and Dr. Peter Ruckman to not buy into the zeitgeist older story accounts BS. LIFE happens without human documentation. You go to the toilet to relieve biological metabolic waste; any documentation to prove this happened? Marrs doesn't understand Satan's civilizations pre-exist God's believers having civilizations documenting their existence and the former had 1st stab at concocting stone tablets and less sturdy records that Christians running for their lives would not have. His historical method for ascertaining truth was faulty.

We must NOT ass u me and speculate what S.P.I.T.E.'s next moves will be.

We must base our actions on what they are CAPABLE of doing." 

M motions to Bond. 

"Since we can't even get help from the so-called 'alternative media' who are UNtechnical civilians willfully ignorant of technical details that will be fatal to us all if not corrected, kinetic actions are necessary. You each have a folder before you; 'Operation JERICHO'. We will surround the key S.P.I.T.E. strong-holds and blow our trumpets so to speak to bring them down. 


ALL S.P.I.T.E. members must be publicized so Citizens can arrest them for their crimes.Their primary goal is to mass-murder, de-populate the worlddown to just a 500x million slave class--that's killing 8x BILLION people by False Flag War (FFW) which can be a nuclear WW3 and/or a fake alien invasion to fear terrify the sheeple to accept their NWO tyranny. 9/11 proves they can do False Flag Attacks (FFAs) to instigate war rackets; western nations are centralized, mini-Nimrod Tower of Babels where criminals can easily seize control at the top, then steer the entire resources of the nation with an automatic obedience military doing whatever they order them to do. There is no WE THE PEOPLE anything; no public INQUESTS to ascertain what really happened to stop FFAs and FFWs. 


The ultimate solution is to de-centralize civil governments into states in a Confederation based, with an operative morality  with constant WE THE PEOPLE participation and oversight--like God wanted the Israelites to live by their tribes--and not a centralized King over a Republic.   

Details of off-grid living must be spread throughout all the people so they can not be consumerism, black mailed by Ayn Rand 'Atlas Shrugged' type events.

Our AGC on display in Russia and Dr. Jones' Antarctic Nazi Base 211 video has awakened the world's people that most flying saucer UFOs they see are man-made of late; but S.P.I.T.E. is constantly reverse psychology lying that their technology was given from alien/E.T.s when actually Satan and his devils gave it to Cain after he killed Abel and built cities. Humans originally could fly like Superman but as sin poison spread needed flying machines as revealed by 'Mirror Project 77'


South West USA

We have only post-ponned S.P.I.T.E.'s Operation BLUE BEAM fake alien invasion fear card event von Braun warned about. 


There are still hundreds of Satanist Deep Underground Military Bases (D.U.M.B.s) all across AmeroBabylon where the mere words 'Jesus Christ' are forbiden; the MILINDSCOMP knows damn well they are Satan's devils and not E.T.s as the Collins Elite group warned...they don't care as long as they get free high technology from them without customary tedious trial & error... 

Maps of Underground High Speed Train (HST) Inter-connected Connected-D.U.M.B.S. and BIGFOOT Cryptid Genesis 6 Nephilim Sightings and Abductions... 










Over 600,000x people go missing each year in AmeroBabylon's parks and the southwest USA's D.U.M.B.s which I personally encountered combating Goldfinger II who was using an ancient Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) the Cain Satanists used to hide from God's impending global FLOOD and afterwards expand after PANGEA was continentally separated.




The evil European Union and NATO instigating FFW must be broken apart and not be the national confederation of the anti-Christ. 



The CERN collider must be stopped before it destroys the material make-up of our existence.

Summary and Conclusion 

All 11 million S.P.I.T.E. criminals must be eradicated for the world to survive longer before the Great Tribulation. 


This is only a stop gap because 25% of all of the Earth's people are psych-sociopaths born with no or little consciences who will replace them. 40% are Asch experiment-proven, authority-following sheeple who will do whatever authority or groupstink Simon Says! to them. Only 35% are conscience-doing lions like us. We must stay on our toes!


Ultimately...civil Confederate governments must become GOD WE OBEY with an operative morality say 7x of God's 10x Commandments to Israel and not the WE THE PEOPLE delusion easily distracted by human vice greed/ego/malice backed up by 3x hours each day of life skills training in High School and 2x years of UNselfish, kinetic national service in a corps of choice--



Citizens-- not sheeple as LT Robert Heinlein wisely concluded in 'Starship Troopers' in 1958:


M stood up.

"Thank-you, 007. I will see each of you on your specific mission briefs. My replacement Sir Gareth Mallory will be with me as I have pushed my luck for too long against Satanists in Her Majesty's government and will be retiring to a nice island beach away from it all..."

The agents laughed then stood up in heart-felt applause.

M was moved to tears. 

M's office. 

"Bond I want you to tackle the South West U.S. You have experience there."

"Boy, do I have ever, mum...."

"We need to smash this lie once and for all that we came from alien/E.T.s coming straight from the Witchcraft 'Book of Shadows'. The American Indians clearly state they came from underground after the FLOOD--not outer space! No walking a land bridge from Asia. S.P.I.T.E. is splitting hairs on Moscow's pre-FLOOD ancient Vimana by saying they are lying about it all and of course, saying ancient aliens did it." 



"We need a 2nd witness still; the Nazi flying saucers you saw in the south pole area only goes back to the 1940s which again can be excused away as aliens not devils did it."

"I'll need Dr. Jones. Is he up to it?"

"We've already contacted him. He's doing the 3x 1x minute all-out exertions to get into tip-top shape...as is Marion..."





"How about all of you take an over-due vacation in a house boat down the Colorado river and find those Kincaide caves?"



"You read my mind, mum!"

Bond hugged her.  

The Grand Canyon

Vesper was at the helm of their cabin speed boat as Bond was taking a nap. Marion was feeding her pet dolphin Holly following them along. Indy was looking at their blip as it traveled across his navigation computer screen... 

Behind them was an immediate Quick Reaction Force (QRF) in a speed boat lead by 1LT Sharks. Another airborne QRF with F-35B stealth jump jets and a MV-142 tilt wing jet was ready to take-off at a Forward Operating Location (FOL) and remotely operating a FPV drone overhead.

As night falls....

"OK, we're here! Stop the boat, Vesper!"

Vesper cradled Bond in her ample breasts...

"James, we're here..." 

"You take over the NAV screen, Marion...we're getting dressed..."

Bond and Indy put on full ear-covering, ballistic helmets with bone microphone radios, Night Vision Goggles (NVGs);


...anti-gravity belts, small backpack parachutes and front pouches with explosive charges and folded KelTec 5.7mm SUB2000 carbines with red dot day/night collimator optics, Ready Tactical Slings and M9 Wire Cutter Bayonets...as they prepare for take-off, Indy remembers one more thing...



Throwing a coil of climbing rope and Jumar ascenders across his torso, he was ready.

"A little over-kill, Indy?"

"Insurance policy..."

Flying to the edge of the canyon to their left, 90 degrees from their boats, Indy shines a green pen laser of the closed off cave entrance...

Placing their explosives and setting their timers, Bond & Indy fly off to the side at least 100 meters are 2x flashes and load bangs explode the rock wall....as the dust settles...a tunnel...

Bond & Indy fly in...

AmeroBabylon Monitoring Station 100 Miles Away


The thug on duty heard the AI female voice and looked on his digital map at the red dot of the blown opening...

"Teams 1 and 2 converge on Sector 5, Hole 1 immediately! You are authorized to use deadly force...gather intel when done and re-seal the cave..."

Both team leaders call in "Roger". 

The Kincade Cave

Indy & Bond cautiously move into the tunnel....

"Vesper, send in the drones..."

Bond immediately noticed the room ahead was ENTIRELY COVERED IN GOLD. 

"Jack pot"

"Something doesn't smell right. Too easy. I smell a trap..."

Two FPV drones arrive behind Indy & Bond.

"Vesper, send drone 1 into the golden room ahead... and drone 2 ahead to the tunnel to our left..."

Drone 1 flies ahead while Indy and Bond look at what it's seeing on their wrist TVs. 

"Turn on the ground penetrating radar..."

Suddenly, all the booby traps became visible...trip wires...hidden dart shooters...and who knows what!

"Have Marion fly ARTEM in...we need him as a pin cushion!"

"Be careful Indy!"

ARTEM, the walking droid flies in.

"ART, go walk into that golden room.."

"Am I getting a golden reward, Sir?"

"No knucklehead, just do it..."

As ARTEM walks forward a flurry of darts impact his torso...

"That hurts..."

"No it doesn't..."

Indy looks at Bond. 

"THAT could have been US". 

ART continues walking towards an Egyptian pharoah with a disgusting dog head. 

Bond & Indy follow in ART's trace acting as an armored shield. 

Bond notices a chest full of giant diamonds...

"Wow! Huge! way bigger than I  got Vesper..."

Bond discretely takes a huge diamond and puts it into his pocket. 

They arrive at the golden casket of the dog god. 

"They key question is did the Egyptians have electricity and devices? Such things are fragile even in a hardened case like Mirror Project 77...."

Red lights suddenly turn on in the dog god casket's head!


The ground under ART explodes and he falls into the deep man trap. 

"This place is coming alive, Indy!!!"

50x Miles from the Kincade Cave...

A MV-22 Osprey Tilt Rotor with rotors forward is dashing at 400 mph...inside a squad of 12x special feces armed thugs...

"Team 1 to Team 2 actual."

"Go team 1."

"Am 30x minutes out."  

 "Roger, we're about the same below you coming from the other direction...."

"Good copy, happy hunting!"

A Swedish armored CB90 small fast boat was on the Colorado river approaching from ahead of Indy & Bond's mini-flotilla....

Back in the Cave...

"Sir, my anti-gravity belt isn't working..."

"Thought so."

Indy throws the rappel line down to him with the ascenders....

After anchoring his end; "Get back up here right now!"

Then Vesper saw it. 1st, just shadows...

Vesper adjusts the aim of drone 2 as Marion watched...

Then, suddenly in front of them at point blank range, A HIDEOUS MOLE MAN!

Marion screams!

The Mole man swats the drone and the video feed is lost!


Indy was looking at a golden plate with inscriptions on it, small enough to fit into his front rucksack...

"Get your carbine out now, Indy!!"

Bond & Indy unfurl their 5.7mm carbines and place red collimator dots on the moving shadows behind them...


The hideous creatures are hit and go down shrieking...

A green death ray hits Indy squarely in his chest but the gold plate saves him.

Bond mows him down but is CNN Jim accosted by one of the Nephilim beings wrapping his stinking filthy arms around him...

Indy draws his M9 Wire Cutter Bayonet and stabs him squarely in his back....

A net is tossed on both of them...

Indy converts his M9 bayonet into a wire cutter and cuts themselves free....

"Hurry up, ART! We can't hold them off much longer!"

"Sir, There's an Egyptian flying saucer down here! I took video of course..."

"Good boy now get your ass up here!"

Strange mini-balls start flying towards Indy & Bond who shoot them and they splat a sticky liquid.

ART finally is back on top....

Indy, Bond and ART race to the cave opening.....

Mole monsters are converging on them like bugs from multiple directions...

"Vesper, self-destruct drone 1 now!" 

A flash! then and explosion as more mole beings shriek...

Bond & Indy turn on their AG belts...

"What about me?"


As they all jump... green death rays shoot out from the cave barely missing them...

ART falls to the ground below so Indy & Bond descend and both grab him flying back to the boat...


Vesper brings the boat to life as 1LT Sharks sees Indy & Bond are in trouble and lay 30mm exploding shell, autocannon fire on the creatures coming out from the base of the canyone...


Holly, the dolphin cries to Marion...

"EH EH" pointing her nose to ahead of the boat...

"We got company...bad company ahead...."

"Holly take this limpet mine....place it in front of where those bad men are coming..."

"UH UH!"

Holly takes the sea mine and swims ahead....

Bond, Indy and ART land in back.....

Holly drops the limpet mine ahead and swims back....just as the CB90 appears firing machine guns....

Bullets rake their boat as they get down...


The 1st CB90 explodes in a huge fireball tossing the "operators" into the river. 

Then the 2nd CB90 dashes past it firing all its guns like an angry water bug...

1LT Sharks fires a HELLFIRE ATGM at the craft which flash-bangs into a huge explosive fireball...no one throw out, no survivors...

"Gun it!"

Vesper helms their speed boat past the 2x flaming Satanist death boats followed by 1LT Sharks' SFB who takes over the lead....

Radar lights up.....

"Indy, we're being followed from the air!"

Bond sees it thru his NVGs.

"An Osprey tilt-rotor...good news, bad news"

"Give us the bad, please"

"At least a dozen gun thugs in back..."

"Now the good?"

"No nose armament. Crap aircraft was too overweight and couldn't afford a self-protective heavy machine gun much less an autocannon..."

"GOOD idea!"

"Sharks this is Indy."

"Go Indy."

"There's a tilt-rotor following us. Give him some 30mm love!"


Swerving his roof 30mm, Sharks fires air bursting shell at the tilt-rotor exploding it in flight as its flaming wreckage dives into the dry river bank and explodes in a huge massive fireball lighting the night sky. 

Reaching their extraction point, Bond calls in their air QRF which takes off....

"QRF to Indy, come in..."

"Go QRF."

"We're 5x minutes away. Light IR chemlights for us to land..."

Skarks, Bond & Indy grab their intel, gear and the girls....setting charges to explode their SFBs.... Marion tells Holly to swim to Lake Tahoe and meet them there...

"UH UH!"

The pair of F-35Bs land on the IR chemlight staked Landing Point. 

Bond and Vesper rush to their right side conformal GRIER pod and get inside while Indy & Marion get into the left side one.   

"What about me?"

Bond clips ART to the underwing ordnance rack.

"You travel 1st class!"

"Gee thanks!"

Sharks and his 2x shooters enter the GRIER pods on the wingman's F-35B.

Both take-off vertically and transition into forward flight and dash at supersonic speed to their remote safe house high in the Kalifornia Sierra Nevada mountains...

Beneath them their SFBs explode in bright orange fireballs....

But not a blip visible on S.P.I.T.E.'s radar screens.  

The Next Day

The 2x Ms call in and congratulate the team. 

"Good work, 007, Indy and team! We have our proof now that Anti-Gravity dates back to post-FLOOD Egypt...its already posted on our official web site and Elon Musk's twitter X...Get crackin' on decoding that gold plate."


"Yes, mum!"  

The Aftermath at the Kincade Cave

"Those mother fuckers!"

Top S.P.I.T.E. leader, Sir Lucius E. Trust was walking the carnage by the cave opening that construction workers were already sealing up with concrete blocks and rebar...

Pressing his ear piece, he reports to S.P.I.T.E. headquarters in Switzerland...

"They got a gold plate...no Mormon lies but much worse....one of them got greedy and has a diamond we are supernaturally tracking now thanks to some witches invoking spirit help...."

The Lake Tahoe SAFE House

"Q, what do you make of what it's saying?"

"It's very early...before the Pharoahs...possibly from Abraham after he left Babylon..."

Bond kisses Vesper as they embrace.

"I'm so glad you're safe James..."

Sobbing a bit...

"I don't know what I'd do without you..."

Bond whips out the the humongous diamond he stole...

"The question is what will you do with this?"

"It's gorgeous!!! It's even bigger than the one you gave me before! Thank you for thinking of me!"

"I always do..."

Indy was getting the translation from Q on to his laptop screen.

"UHO! Come here everybody!"

"I am Abraham descendent of Jehovah's faithful son, Shem and his father, Noah who faithfully survived the flood by his huge Ark. 

We cannot tolerate the evil idolatry starting up again in neaby Babylon by the son of Satan, Nimrod. We have moved west to new lands to graze our cattle. Some of it is fragments from Atlantis particularly the giant lion head statue. Below is a map given to me from Noah of the world before the flood for posterity..."

"Q, run this map by all the maps we got...."

"I'm already ahead of you...."

As they waited maps flew by their screen until one stopped as a match....

"What is it?"

"Brace yourself. The world of Lord of the Rings...UPSIDE down...."

"UHO. Straight from witchcraft's 'Book of Shadows'" 

"Make it right side up, please..."

"Oh, my...it can't be!!"

A perfect outline of the North American continent. 

"AmeroBabylon the so-called 'New Atlantis' is actually the OLD Atlantis!" 

Bond murmured...

"Sir Francis Bacon aka Shakespeare really had things to hide in Oak Island, didn't he?"

Indy runs his fingers over the Gulf of Mexico.. 

"The circle is THE circle of Atlantis...a giant sea port from PANGEA's time....this explains the Ley line magnetism, the underwater Bimino road...the limestone flimsy composition of Florida and the Yucatan peninsula...their rivals, Lemuria who they warred with nuclear and DEW weapons on what is now the west coast, Mount Shasta area..."

Marion was horrified.

"...and the Devil's triangle..."  

Vesper adds;

"So all those lies about the Knight's Templar and Free Masons who constructed their 'New Atlantis' being John 3:16 pardoned Christians while erecting Washington D.C. the 'Miiro Vatican' of the Baal/Moloch Wall Street Bull child fire sacrificing AmeroBabylon have been made clear..."



"AmeroBabylon IS Atlantis...."

"We got history backwards. The Chinese came from the Olmecs here in post-PANGEA North America--not the other way around. The entire world is connected and cursed to sea merchant Babylon Mammon god materialism set for incineration as warned in Revelation 18 in the Lord's King James Bible...."

Vesper was down-trodden. 

"I happen to like a little of that materialism...a diamond is a girl's best friend you now..."

Indy spotted IT. 

"WHERE did you get that?"

"James gave it to me from the cave..."

Vesper suddenly felt ill. 

"I'm not feeling well, James...."

Vesper passes out into Bond's arms.

"James! You fool! Satanic artifacts are CURSED!! You also placed a homing device on us. Witches can conjure up devils and track our location...."

"You took the gold plate..."

"Darn, you're right!"

Indy takes the giant diamond and goes outside and tosses it into the lake. 

"Should buy us some time....everyone pack up! Our cover has been blown!"

A HUGE Directed Energy Weapon beam lands into the water and begins drying up a hole in it. 

Everyone gets into the F-35Bs and take off just as the DEW beam reaches and incinerates the no-longer safe house....just like the earlier Kalifornia and Maui fires....



New Location

Flying to the nuclear attack submarine, HMS Sir Francis Drake, the F-35Bs are secured in aft sail water tight hanger as the ship dives...dives...dives...


"Are we secure here, Indy?"

"That's a great question. From humans, yes. From supernatural devils, I'm not so sure. This problem was discussed in the movie "Push" though from a secular ESP delusion..."


"What about prayers?"

"Might work. We need a constant, 24/7 prayer group covering us until we get back to Faslane...."

Marion said she might know someone at Chick publications up to the job....

NATO Headquarters, Brussels, Belgium

Sir Lucis Trust stands to address his assembled national ministers;

"False Flag War, gentlemen."  

The NATO members perked up. 

“Why of course the people don't want war. Why should some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece? Naturally the common people don't want war neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship.

Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.”

Luftwaffe Field Marshal, Hermann Goering said this in, Germany Reborn

Everyone assembled laughed at the brutal reality of their control over the sheeple. 

"Minister, what if the sheeple say NO and strike all across their nations saying the social contract is broken?"

"That...could work to stop us...this is why we must continue to fear mong them. Those fuckers in MI6-SIS have thwarted our alien invasion fear card for now....so we are going back to old fashioned nuclear, World War 3....which we will ourselves instigate with a False Flag Attack..."

MI6-SIS has a sexy female spy, Charlotte Basinger at the meeting recording everything into a coat button device....

"We can't destroy something we really like say London, but to keep the con going we'll sacrifice a Coventry like in World War 2 to protect the ULTRA secret that we broke the German's codes hahahaha..."

"What would upset the sheeple the most?"

"Paris. Incinerate the Eiffel tower and blame the Russians...."

"It's got to look like it was coming from them....say a boomer missile sub from the Baltic sea...."

"All the world's boomer subs are under constant scrutiny..."

"Yes, exactly! That's why I want you go to Hamburg and add a vertical missile cell in an attack submarine for just this purpose...."

"Excellent, Lord Trust!" 

The meeting is adjourned.

Bassinger knew not to waste 1 second and relayed a warning to MI6-SIS headquarters...which unfortunately was direction found by the S.P.I.T.E. secret police who thew her into a van which took her to a torture castle...

HMS Drake

"URGENT Message for you, Commander Bond..."

"How soon can you get us to Hamburg?"

"A week..."

"We don't have a week...set course for Hamburg, FULL SPEED AHEAD..."

Hamburg, Germany

The naval shipyard was working around the clock to add a module to the German Kriegsmarine attack submare with the single verticle missile silo for the False Flag Attack to instigate the False Flag War. 

The French S.P.I.T.E. run government's naval ballistic nuclear ballistic missile arrives by covered truck at the witching hour for its planned evil witchcraft.....they were already scheduling their vacations to not be in Paris when the nuclear fireball hits....without the tourist attractions, France would once again be just for the French! 

In just 72x hours thanks to German efficiency, the Q-sub would be ready....

HMS Drake

"Can we go any faster, Captain Christian?"

"We're going all out....the nuclear reactor is red-lined...I  can get you in launch position in 70x hours...."

70x Hours Later...

HMS Drake surfaces....Bond, Sharks, Robinson and Delgado enter their respective GRIER pods and their F-35Bs take-off...


The Q-sub was complete. A crane was now lowering the French SLBM into the new silo aft of the sail...

As dawn was breaking....the dry dock was being flooded as the German Navy crew began boarding it to take her out to sea and her devious mission...

Invisible to radar, Bond's stealth jets land covertly into a soccer field adjacent to the shipyard...

Bond's team rush to the dry docks wearing urban camouflaged uniforms....

"Bond here. We must not let the sub get to sea! Sharks and DelGado put your fins on and dive into the flooding dock; we'll cover you..."

An armed guard spots Sharks and DelGado--but Bond downs him with his suppressed .22LR pistol mounted under his AR10 7.62mm x 51mm NATO rifle....

Sharks and DelGado each place a magnetic limpet mine of the port and starboard side of the Q-sub and just get out in time before the gates open and it's released into the sea....

Bond's team rushes to their F-35Bs which take-off without anyone noticing in the sleepy German shipyard....

Transitioning to forward flight, the F-35Bs go supersonic racing back to the HMS Drake....when the explosions go off....


Bond looks back using his wrist TV but then notices a disturbing site......the waters around the Q-sub are boiling....

"Flight Lieutenant Jones! Get us out of here, the nuke is going to blow!"


A bright light engulfs the entire area for at least 20 miles.....then the fireball tossing Bond's stealth jets like leaves in a whirlwind.....

A mushroom water vapor cloud rises from the sea.....

Hamburg's shipyard is bathed in flame and explodes in nuclear ignited, secondary explosions....

The entire naval shipyard is gone.....

Bond's flight lands on the HMS Drake; each aircraft with radar absorbptive paint scorched off....

Bond and team has to wait inside their cramped GRIER pods until their jets are sea water decontaminated of radioactive water....

Inside the HMS Drake

Both Ms were furious! 

"Bond, you've just created an international incident! The Q-sub was supposed to be discretely terminated..."

"I know, Mum, the French missile didn't have the fail safes we expected...c'est le vie". 

"I'll say! Now the German government is having to explain why a nuclear weapon was there in the 1st place!"

"Maybe this will wake the sheeple up that their militaries do whatever they damn well want without any moral adult supervision...."

"Perhaps so. How is the rescue of Basinger going?"

"Not well. We've lost our stealth paint on the F-35Bs...we'll have to go in ugly and fast..."

"Please do so...we've lost the element of surprise..."

Belgian Castle deep in the Forest

Basinger has been electro-shocked to make MKULTRA hypnosis work....

S.P.I.T.E. interrogates her--but she knows nothing other than how she must transmit thru her button device.

A buxom female guard enters the room to take her back to her cell. 

"We'll sacrifice her to Lucifer tonight. Prepare the room..."

Holding Basinger up by her left arm, Vesper walks her to her cell. 

She whispers into her ear;

"Shhh. I'm from MI6. We're getting you out, NOW!"

Instead of taking her back to her cell, Vesper takes her to the castle's roof where she radios thru her watch; "We're on the roof"....

Two F-35Bs whiz by and 30mm autocanno fire destroy the guard towers...

Kalaxons sound!!!!

One F-35B turns around and 2.75 inch rockets the roof where armed thugs appear....Bond's F-35B lands by Vesper/Basinger who are grabbed by Leiter and placed inside their right GRIER pod as Robinson covers them with an AR10 mowing down SPITE thugs who appear from the roof door....

"Let's go, James!"

Leiter & Robinson enter their GRIER pod as Bond takes-off vertically then transitions to forward flight....

The second F-35B launches a pair of 2, 000 pound JDAMs which explode and set fire to the entire castle...

Back at the HMS Drake...

Bond embraces Vesper....they kiss....

She shows her ring finger...

"I'm happy with my diamond...."

"It may be small but at least it's not a Satanic one....those diamonds are for NEVER"...


James Bond and Indiana Jones will return in "LIGHT STEALER". 
