"007 Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Antarctic Base 211; Caught Up in U (FOs)"
The world now knows with the public display of the ancient Anti-Gravity Craft (AGC) in Moscow that mankind's most powerful governments have these sophisticated and expensive machines powered by Free Energy (FE).
It's now also common knowledge that the Moon is HOLLOW and is occupied by Nephilim devils such that the entire world is in a terrified state. The Military Industrial Intelligence Congressional Complex (MILINDCOMP) is still lying and telling the public that they got this high technology from ancient aliens--and not Satan and his devils.
Hollywood, California
Oscar-winning director, Steven Greenberg couldn't take his eyes off the busty blonde at the night club!
Strategically and discretely taking his wedding band off... he pondered at the disinterest he had for his current adventure based on the recent Hollow moon horrors. His pedo-Illuminati Pentagon handlers warned him in no uncertain terms he must not proceed with his tell-all summer blockbuster sure to pack theaters with how the U.S. Air Force and Navy have had a secret, black space program concocted by captured Operation PAPER CLIP scientists designed to get elites off planet when they instigate a fake Exctinction Level Event (ELE)... but he had promised his wife to make it as she was a newly-born John 3:16 Christian.
The busty blonde had been looking back!
Then she did it: she gave him her keys to her hotel room!.
Greenberg smiled; "Please say aliens; please say aliens!"
The hot blonde laughed.
"Your Hecklefish is cute!"
The Laurel Canyon Hotel Room over-looking Decadent LA
Her glorious breasts and nipples bouncing as she rode him on his bed....Greenberg had raptured again and again and was totally dry...then she zip-cuffed his wrists and ankles to the bed posts...
...spread eagled he was quite vulnerable...
A knock at the door....
Hot blonde let him in...
"WHO is that? A friend of yours?"
"Certainly not yours!"
"I'm Punch."
"Sure you are..."
An Olympic medalist boxer, Punch hit Greenberg softly on the jaw--but he went out like a light.
"...and I'm Judy..."
Judy got up and began giving Greenberg a "Golden Shower" which splashing over his head woke him up...
"What's this? Your pee smells awful! 100 proof?"
"My body doesn't metabolize alcohol like normal sheeple...I'm quite flammable like my mom who went up in flames and burned to ash shortly after I was born..."
"Spontaneous Human Combustion? That'll be my next movie!"
"No, it won't..."
Judy lustily lights her long white cigarette with a soft butane lighter flame set on high...then let's out a jet exhale...
Greenberg objected...
"What the fuck? Smoking now is dangerous...you could light ME up!"
"That's the idea...and smoking is ALWAYS dangerous as is drinking...they should be outlawed at least alcohol as they invite devils in..."
"I don't drink...hurts my sexual powers..."
"You do now! You're safe as long as the lit end doesn't touch your crismated naked body..."
"Lover's baptism. Everything I moisten, I OWN. You're mine now!"
"No, I belong to my wife, Kate!"
"Not anymore!"
Judy put the lit Marlboro Light 100 in Greenberg's mouth...
"As long as you keep it in your mouth, you'll be safe...which won't be long..."
Both Punch & Judy laughed...
Mimicing Cary Grant, Punch embraces and kisses her saying, "Judy, Judy, Judy...."
"Our work is done here...let's go..."
As they looked back like Lot's wife did, they see the lit cig drop and a wave of blue flame sweeps over Greenberg... then a woooooooosssh! of angry yellow flames as he starts to burn-moan in agony...
They shut the door to silence his screams.
"Sprinklers turned OFF?"
"I'm so turned ON!"
Secret Closed Door Hearing of Congress
Margaret Taylor-Red, a buxom Congresswoman from Georgia asks the female CIA director the 1st question:
"We want to know WHAT you know about these flying saucers and WHEN did you know it?"
Squirming in her seat a bit, behind the table flanked by aides whispering in her ear....
"Madam Congresswoman, we've been talking with aliens for years now as our operative Dr. Steven Greer can attest..."
Taylor-Red smirked.
"Oh, yes he's on deck after you are done with your lies..."
MI6-SIS Headquarters, London, U.K.
Watching the secret Congressional hearings on a large flat screen TV is the heads of all departments, M, James Bond, Vesper, Dr. Indiana Jones and his wife Marion.
Indy was outraged.
"After all we just went through? We told her and her staff these are Satanic craft dating back to Mirror Project 77's pre-FLOOD era...this alien balogney comes straight out of the Witch 'Book of Shadows' "
Bond chimed in.
"Indy, her staff wants to interview CELEBRITIES... not subject matter experts like yourself...who needs archaelogy, anyway?"
M was not pleased either.
"They're clearly not asking the right questions to get at the truth."
Vesper asked;
"Who says they want the truth?"
Marion gave a nodding agreement.
007 was thinking a thousand miles ahead.
"We need proof. M, I need your approval to lead a team back into Argentina where I clashed with the Nazis there and their flying saucers and got dad out...we could live stream video as we go in to prove to the world we had such things back in World War 2."
M shook her head.
"Too risky, the PM would have my head. Have anything more discrete?"
Indiana while fuming had a PLAN B.
"We could go into Antarctica. Nazi base 211 is still there in the partially Hollow Earth. They abandoned it in the '50s when the Nazi Boomers wanted Coca-Cola and blue jeans and they were all getting constantly sick..."
M was fascinated.
"How so?"
Q piped in.
"Quite understandable. They only had 250,000 4th Reich Nazis who escaped as Germany lost the war. That's not enough herd immunity to protect from even the common cold killing you..."
Vesper asked;
"You mean like the COVID 19 scamdemic?"
"Yes, exactly."
M made her decision.
"Right. Dr. Jones could you lead a discrete archaelogical team down there since the ice is melting and showing Antarctic secrets? I'll have Charles Robinson form an armed team to assist you; Mrs. Jones could be in-between on Ascension island with Vesper and I as reach-back..."
Indiana agreed but asked;
"Why not James?"
"I have something else in mind for him..."
RAF C-17 Globemaster III High over the Swiss Alps 0300 Hours GMT
Green light "Go! Go! Go!"
James Bond and his team exit the rear ramp with hang gliders heading for the mountain top medical drug rehabilitation center that really is a pedo-Illuminati fortress...
As Bond and his team land stealthfully, they in their white camouflaged, hooded parkas converge on the medical facility...007 looks one last time at his wrist watch TV at the picture of Dr. Madeline Swann, daughter of "The Pale King", assassin he learned of in the Mexico City terror bombing he thwarted.
Fanning out, Bond's commandos storm the center as firefights erupt as the armed guards sound the alarm klazons shrieking....
Searching room-to-room, Bond finally enters Dr. Swann's office where she was interviewing a rich pedo-Illuminati drug addict...
"It will take an entire year to get the drugs out of your system for a new start in life..."
Bond's battle buddy orders them to "freeze!"...
A flash bang grenade goes off in the next room shattering all the windows leaking jets of frigid Swiss air into the room...
Dr. Swann was not plussed.
"Great. It's already cold enough here."
Bond commands:
"You're coming with me..."
"No, I'm not!"
Bond had no time for this and shot her with a tranquilizer dart pistol.
Opening a body bag and placing her inside, Bond zipped her up to her head and put a helmet and Kroop's sky diver goggles on.
Throwing her on his shoulder, Bond raced to the hang gliders.
His 2IC ran up to him.
"The charges are set, Commander Bond."
"OK, let's go, everyone follow me!"
Bond attached Dr. Swann to his chest by quik-release buckles and ran off the cliff followed by the rest of his SAS team...
The mountain top explodes in bright orange flames as the thermite ignited fuel tanks inside...she awakened...
"Who the hell are you?"
"Bond...James Bond"
007 Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Antarctic Base 211; Caught Up in U (FOs)
Back at the hotel, Q was identifying the ring Bond had captured from the pedo-Illuminati gangster in Mexico City known for it's "Day of the Dead" occult sympathies...
Bond and Dr. Swann walk in.
"007, I can't find the occult symbolism for this ring yet...that is..."
"Give me the ring"
Q gave it to her.
"My dad has one of these. How is daddee?"
"Not well. He tried to kill himself due to the pollonium poisoning they gave him. Q has got his blood exchanged and he'll be back as new working for us..."
" 'They'? You mean the Satanist Pedophile Illuminati Theosophist Evil (S P I T E) secret crime society; they used to be called 'SPECTRE" an old Nazi anagram for RESPECT. They decided to upgrade their brand name...evil bastards..."
"Your dad said you'd know exactly where their Antarctic base is. Something about Le American?"
"Yes, Mom & Dad celebrated their marriage each year there...it's a hotel in Morocco...very hot now..."
"We'll dress lightly..."
Le American
Bond and Dr. Swann travel to Morocco and get the room where her parents always stayed. They discover a secret room behind a false wall and discover exact maps with longitude and lattitude coordinates that Bond transmits back to Q and Vesper back at MI6-SIS HQs.
Dr. Swann sits on her chair and begins to sob.
"Are you upset about your father?"
"Yes. My mom and dad loved each other but that bastard Satanic outfit got her killed. I miss mum."
"We might have a solution."
"No, you don't there is no solution."
"Yes, there is. I'm new to this Christian stuff but if you believe on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, you'll be saved and ALL THY HOUSE..."
"Great I can maybe see them in Heaven if I choose to believe. Does nothing for me now..."
"We have a solution for that, too. Dr. Jones has this 'Dial of Destiny' we used to save his boy, Mutt from dying in Vietnam".
"It's a time travel device. We can go back in time. I used it to save the lovely Sharon Tate from Satanist CIA Manson family thugs. But that's a story for another time. After this is all over..."
"Just hold me."
Bond and Dr. Swann embrace.
Q Brief's Indy's Team
"You will pose as an archaeologist team and tourists. Your cruise ship will pretend to lose control and ram here in the bay. During the chaos you'll snow mobile to the Bunger Hills area and start televising like Geraldo Rivera opening the Al Capone safe...this will be your protection the public's 'All seeing Eye'..."
"How fitting..."
Vesper hands the team wrist watch TVs connected by global satellites.
"These will transmit each one of your locations to Marion on Ascension island relay station and us here with an emergency camera if your head gear and hidden cameras fail. We'll be watching you!"
M walks in.
"I need to see some video hotel room footage we collected for the Americans as part of the 5 EYES agreement to circumvent national constitutions and laws...."
Fade to a ship's long journey to Antarctica then a pier ramming and explosion...Indy and Charles Robinson are snow mobiling and reach the mysterious Bunger Hills opening...
Marion's beautiful face came up on Indy's wrist TV.
"We have you Indy. Loud & clear and clear as a whistle. I love you."
Indy dead-panned: "I know".
Broadcast to the world....they send in First Person Video drones into the opening and after a distance...spot the 1st rusting 4th Reich Nazi flying saucers proving to the world that Anti-Gravity Craft were created by HUMAN--not alien hands as far back as World War 2's end...partially smashing the S.P.I.T.E. fake alien/E.T. narrative...
Then the signal was lost.
A giant laser beam shot from a nearby tower landing overhead the New York City, Empire State building transmission tower, melting it into dripping molten metal like seen using thermite on 9/11
Then two AGC landed next to them and out came black-clad special feces thugs with M4 6.8mm Remington SPC firing, assault rifles who arrest Indy and his team.
MI6-SIS Headquarters
Bond walks in as the assembled department heads saw the huge flat screen go blank with the irritating static sound and picture.
Vesper hugs and kisses him.
"Turn that off, Q!"
"Yes, Ma'am!"
"What just happened?"
"We just lost Indy's signal."
"QRF? Rescue mission?"
"You read my mind."
Q was on the tele--phone.
"Marion is on the line. She wants in on the rescue."
"Great minds think alike".
"James, Vesper... as you know there's a murderous couple on the loose silencing Anti-Gravity Craft Whistle Blowers...one has a real bed wetting problem..."
"Show me".
Bond's Team Rehearses the Attack
"OK, gentlemen and ladies Vesper and Marion. We've lost the element of surprise. We've got to get it back. We need a diversion. Diversion Team or D-Team you destroy their missile base here by their secret runway and extract by AeroGavin aero units to the RV point then back to the container Q ship then to Ascension island...."
"Meanwhile, Assault Team or A-Team...no Mike Post humming please..."
One of the D-team members, 1LT Mike Sharks wryly remarks;
"I love it when a plan comes together"
"Funny, Sharks. A-Team waits as H-Team...me...I go in."
"H as in homo?"
"No, knucklehead, HOMING....GPS homing"
The men laugh.
"Security team or S-team, you stay in contact with the A-Team thru Lady Marion and guard the tilt-wing jet transport at the extraction point 25 miles away from when the nuke goes off....we are playing for keeps and we want this hideous Satanic base gone for good...at least 58 years..."
Deep Inside the Secret S.P.I.T.E. Antarctic Base
Indy, Charles Robinson, Pierce and Sean are duct-taped and sitting on chairs on a cold empty floor in a conference room for global S.P.I.T.E. VIPs who just held a secret meeting there.
A portly man enters...oddly familiar...
Indy recognizes him.
"Auric Goldfinger..."
Charles Robinson chips in..
"The 3rd or should we say version 3 point Zero?"
Goldfinger III laughs.
"Correct gentleman. Welcome to my secret ice fortress...a veritable underground city"
"How many in your city? I don't want to get sick and die from the common COVID 19 cold...I'm not DEATHvaxed!"
A guard slaps Indy in the face.
"Your impertinance may cost you your life, Dr. Jones..."
Enter James Bond...
The giant ROC mothership takes off with a miniDreamChaser aerospace plane underneath...
Bond releases from under the ROC and ignites his rocket engines entering space long enough to re-enter back down into the last known position of Indy and his team...
As he enters the atmosphere, Patriot Surface to Air Missiles (SAMs) are launched at him and he takes evasive action anmd releases radar chaff strips to decoy the 1st two missiles...
"Damn! another two are coming..."
A lady's voice warns Bond that his militarized space plane is about to be hit but he is out of chaff and maneuvering thrust...he is now a powerless glider...and a sitting duck...so much for its radar stealth...will have to fix that in version 2.0 IF he survives to report the deficiency...
"Missiles 2 miles"
Bond curls up and pulls his ejection seat handle sending him into the frigid Antarctic air...
The missiles explode his aerospace plane behind him as he separates from his ejection seat and his survival seat pack dangles on a cord below him...
Bond thinks to himself..."Prepare to land!" then Parachute landing falls (PLFs) into the deep snow after his survival pack impacts...
Removing his GAU-5 mini-assault rifle and inserting a 60x-round magazine in it, the rest in his pockets;
Bond approaches the opening and fires at two white clad thugs, downing them...
"Damn didn't see them!"
Another 4x thugs appear and Bond fires towards them making them go prone...
Bond is soon surrounded and holds them off until nearly out of ammo even with 60x round mags...
A bull horn voice beckons; "We know you are almost out of ammo. Surrender now or you will die"
Clad in white, Bond wryly replies;
"But I don't have a white flag to wave"
Some of the thugs laugh.
Their leader orders them;
"Go arrest the smart ass and bring him to me."
Goldfinger v3.0's Monologue
Bond and Indy are wrist and ankle cuffed each to a solid gold table.
"It's time gentlemen for a little demonstration of our little death ray...to kick off Operation BLUE BEAM everyone's got blue balls waiting for...the damn Clintons chickened out at the last moment back in the '90s..."
"Back when you were playing Grand Theft Auto 5 in your mom's basement?"
Goldfinger wasn't insulted.
"They didn't have GTA back then."
"My bad."
Indy broke the levity.
"How did you pay for all this...'stuff'?"
"Where do you think all the world's gold bars have been going all these years?"
Bond figured it out.
"My dad warned the world in 'Goldfinger' that Fort Knox gold was not safe..."
"Yes, he did but not explicitly enough...we've been scouting that location for a long time..."
"We concluded that MOVING all that heavy gold was not practical nor even nukable as my father tried to do in 1964..."
"No, we are cheap bastards and found the best way was also the easiest...just steal your gold bars one-at-a-time and replace them with fakes...we did this to the Germans hahahaha! Were they pissed!! Hahaha what are they going to do go to war against the United States of Ametica?"
"You mean AmeroBabylon."
"Precisely! You are a quick mind, Mr. Bond. Too bad you soon will not be able to use it!!"
"You see, Mr. Bond...Dr. Jones already knows this...before the FLOOD, all the continents were together...Pangea...a time of greatness the world has lost due to that despicable God of yours..."
Indy corrects him.
"The times of Abel murderer, Cain's cities...Atlantis and Lemuria....despicable GIANTS from Satan's devils fornicating with Earth women making the Nephilim infesting the Hollow Moon and the partially Hollow Earth here..."
"Quite right Dr. Jones! Hahahahaha! We have the Directed Energy Weapon or DEW as you call it but not the Mountain DEW you drink...we can destroy entire cities now...we've incinerated some Kalifornians for Lord Rothschild's Agenda 21"
"...as well as Maui for that gossip goddess Oprah and her pedo buddy Tom Hanks to gain some real estate with albino freak Zuckerberg when we shut down society described in our lady, Ayn Rand's book 'Atlas Shrugged'...the sheeple will know our power...then we'll throw in our little alien invasion with realistic holograms we perfected during our 9/11 false flag attacks..."
"Hahahaha! you stupid sheeple buy into anything we Simon Says! feed you!! Yesterday it was elves, gremlins and fairies...today its E.T.s and fairies!"
Bond was disgusted.
"You mean like how you caused the Indonesian tsunami in 2009 with your DEW weapons Greer Whistle Blower Hecker revealed you have...and then flew out dead bodies for your sicko medical experiments to life extend scum like yourself..."
Goldfinger Version 3.0 nodded.
"Yes, regretably, Lance Corporal Herrera talked...it bothers a marine to take his gun away as you know...we don't need to get medical technology insights from dead people"
"No, you get it by Moloch child sacrificing them to get their adrenochrome..."
"Why are you so upset gentlemen? Know what your Wall Street bull means? We've been doing this in your North American continent before there was even an America! Your small GIANT indians!"
"Where's the MORALITY in all this sick crap?"
"We do whatever thou wilt, Mr. Bond...Dr. Jones....do whatever WE wilt...the whole of OUR law...we've murdered planeloads before that got too nosey to what we do down here..."
Indy corrected him:
"Satanic evil anti-law..."
Goldfinger was not phased.
"Sets the stage for our Lord, you term the anti-Christ to rule the world! Hahahaha! We will 666 mark all of you sheeple like cattle..."
Bond mocked him.
"Soylent Green is people!"
Bond's A-Team in IFMs Attack the S.P.I.T.E. Antarctic Base
While Bond and Dr. Jones indulged in Goldfinger 3's monologue...which was being recorded back at MI6-SIS headquarters in London....
The D-Team had destroyed their air base and the A-Team had infiltrated into Goldfinger 3's underground city by Individual Flying Machines (IFMs) and were now racing to Bond's homer simpson signal...
Meanwhile Back at the Interrogation Room...
"What happens if we are already marked?"
"You bastard! you have a homing device, don't you?"
"Russian VDV and British Paratroopers have already penetrated deep into your base..."
Goldfinger 3 was pissed!
"Prepare the death ray for Moscow!"
"Yes, my Lord!"
Goldfinger 3 was holding a golden remote control box for the giant laser beam overhead to cut Bond and Indy in 2.
"You have interfered with my family's plans for the last time! Now for you two, NOT a Tranquilizer gun!"
Bullets rip into Goldfinger III.
"It's about time, 1LT Sharks!"
"We were distracted, not enough action so I took the tilt-wing here from the RV...
1LT Sharks ordered his Russian VDV NCO:
"Cut them free Ivan...we already found Robinson and the others....the tilt-wing is here for you and them....let's go!"
@ The RV
Bond counts all his men as they go by via the rear loading ramp into the tilt-wing jet transport...
...as the nuclear mushroom cloud rises in the distance....
They take off vertically, transition wings forward and fly back to Ascension island where sexy Vesper awaits them...they overflew the Q-ship below them with the AeroGavin light tanks which will be "a slow boat to China" and take longer to get there...
Ascension Island Lives up to its Name...
Bond and Vesper collapse onto each other's chest after making romantic, sensual love...
"Was I as good as this Dr. Swann?"
Smiling, Bond remarks;
"You know a gentleman spy can never reveal such intimate secrets!"
Vesper hits him with a pillow.
"I slept in the chair."
"Good boy" as Vesper sensually kisses him on the lips.
A hour later...a knock on the door...
Indy and Marion arm in arm...
At the door, Marion flashes a newspaper headline reading:
"Nuclear reactor accident in the South Pole"
Bond laughs.
"They can't stop lying even if their life depended on it..."
Vesper shrieks;
"It did and they failed!"
2x waiters arrive with a cart...
Vesper murmurs..."We didn't order any room service?"
That's when the lights went out.
Bond got it.
"Punch & Judy! I think we have some sore losers!"
Bond deflected Punch's arm after softly K O ing Indy. Judy went for the dining cart's hidden pistol...
As gunfire muzzle blasts flared at them... hitting Indy and Marion knocking her down as Bond pushed Vesper into the room... and forward rolled to his KelTec PF9 9mm pistol by the bed...
More bullets whiz over them as Bond returns fire knocking Punch down dead as Vesper clonks the other thug with her claw hammer car/truck fire escape tool...
"Indy! Marion! Call 9/11 Vesper NOW!"
Bond saw them lying in the hallway placing his mini-flashlight in his mouth to free his hands to pour half a packet of Quik Clot powder in each of their's belly wounds to stop the bleeding...
Judy came to... having a massive pee all over herself, she ran out the room to her get-away car....leaving a line of pee-fuel...Vesper followed with a box of matches....
Lighting and dropping a lit match... a trail of fire ran up to Judy's escape car exploding her gasoline tank...her screams piercing the night...
"Burn bitch, burn!"
007 Indy will Return in "Diamonds are For Never"
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