"Back to the Future" (BTTF) 1st Movie "Perfect" Story-Telling? Says Who?

Notice the upside down "911" on the sign clock! ROTM!

(SZG) decided what they want to show to make themselves and the audience FEEL GOOD then explain it later sometimes with an illogical, life-contradicting "tap dance".

For their time travel tap dance, they decided to emulate H.G. Wells static time machine positioning but realized the machine itself mobile; a tracked tank would be best--but a Delorean sports car would blend in with motorized American society.


They also decided on duplicate "YOUs" if you went back or forward in time.

This despite the fact you are actually ABSENT from your normal existence during time travel--that if you return back to re-connect reality THE TIME TRAVEL YOU WOULD BE AWARE and act differently in the future.

Now for the huge reality-denial tap dance SZG do that debunks BTTF 1 as a "perfect" movie.

If someone was chasing and shooting at you and you tell someone, THIS IS THE CORE PART OF THE STORY; you would tell them.

There is no way Marty can selectively depict his ACCIDENTAL time travel back to Doc Brown IN HIS FUTURE SELF'S TIME MACHINE; he would have to deliberately LIE to him aka special pleading aka sophistry.

He has to explain WHY it was accidental.

Why 1955?

Because Doc Brown was going TO VISIT HIS PAST SELF and had it pre-set in his time machine so when Marty jumped in to avoid the Libyan gunmen, he ACCIDENTALLY activated time travel.

Marty could NOT lie to Doc that he was going to only himself go back to 1955 unless Doc realized duplicate self confrontation terror had to be avoided and Marty sent back as an envoy of sorts. Unplanned Marty accidentally disrupts his own existence time-line by interacting with his parents as you know.

The POINT IS that SZG wanted Doc somehow to be ignorant of the Libyan attack in 1985 in order to have the whole touching scene of Marty writing a letter warning and Doc rejecting it..but cheating and taping it together for having the body armor feel-good moment.

Another more ominous possibility is SZG HAD TO INTRODUCE THE WRITTEN WARNING AS A CONCEPT TO THE AUDIENCE; that such things exist and can happen as the BTTF movies are WARNING US OF THE INCOMING PEDO-ILLUMINATI DESPICABLE MASS MURDERS ON SEPTEMBER 11, 2001 directed at the Rockefeller World Trade Center (WTC) towers which already had thermite stell-cutting charges built into them during construction.


For Satan.   

Doppelganger Me Once, Duplicate Me Twice...

We know there exists somewhere in the world today someone who looks nearly exactly like you by accidental life creation. Intelligence agencies have known this for years and use this fact and find or make person duplicates for things like executive protection ie; there were 7x "Hitlers" in WW2.

IRL, without some tangible valid time travel belief, if you saw a future self approach you would be rightly TERRIFIED it was a BAD FAITH, intel agency doppelganger or supernatural demonic imposterization of some kind.

We are talking truly scare-the-shit-out-of-you evil attacks like the Mothman does with the phone calls perfectly mimicing people. I HAVE PERSONALLY EXPERIENCED DEMONS MASQUERADING A PERSON during work in the Deliverance ministry. 

Because of this SZG have deliberately avoided duplicate self interaction except for the absurd example below:

In BTTF 2, Jen20 meets Jen50 and they are both surprised and faint?

1st, Jen20 already knows she has time traveled into the 2015 future and has seen future versions of Marty and family. She would NOT faint but be inclined to reason with her later self.

Jen50 should be aware of time travel and this could mean her duplicate showing up some time.

Here is where the supposed BTTF feel-good innocence shows an EVIL payload; if there can be duplicate YOUS there can be GHOST YOUs if you die violently as per the massive, global Satanic supernatural ghost scam.

John 3:16

Semper Airborne!

James Bond is REAL.
