"Back to the Future V: Fight for the Future"

McFly Home, 1987

McFlys, Doc, Jennifer family dinner, 1987 after the events of BTTF 4.


Delorean Time Travel Flying Car (DTTFC) secrets revealed complete with pre-modified 1955 video footage

Biff has bugged their dining room using a mail-order listening device.

CIA Headquarters, Langley, Va

Biff struggles to enter--but gets audience with evil CIA fucks...leading to DCI Casey who orders the DTTFC seized along with Doc, Marty and Jennifer

Doc Brown's Laboratory/Mansion

CIA black clad thugs fast rope in, kidnap Doc, Marty, Jennifer, CH-47 sling-load the DTTFC--but not dog Einstein

Regional CIA Facility

Doc, Marty, Jennifer tortured, Biff-50 laughs

CIA techies figure out how to operate the DTTFC by reverse observation

Einstein finds, infiltrates facility

and has dog collar with explosives to bust Doc, then Marty/Jennifer who escape in DTTFC--but CIA now knows secrets to make their own

Immediate Council of War

Doc realizes his Judge dad was right--polite society can't be kept polite without men with guns. When armed bad men can't be ARRESTED they must be kill-stopped.

We must kill Biff, he is a 25% psych-sociopath who can't be redeemed?

Even if pussy whipped by Edna like his dad?

We don't have the life material to work with to get Biff laid and smitten pacified by a woman.

He must die.

How will we learn how to do that?

James Bond.

He is a fictional movie character.

"No, he is real; James Bond is REAL; Commander Ian Fleming, RNVR was also a Master spy for MI6-SIS."

Marty and Jenn look mystified.

"We go to him in Jamaica. Jennifer stay here and find out all you can on the CIA and who and how that evil bureaucracy got created"

Goldeneye, Jamaica, 1962

DTTFC appears in front of Fleming's house.

"I love the sleek lines of your sports car".

"We need your help."

Fleming invites them in and his wife, Ann gives them tea.

"We have to take out a man before he ruins history".

"Old boy, we tackled with that with Hitler during the war, we concluded leaving him in place as our agent was best".

"No, this guy will ruin the world with a TIME MACHINE"

"What? Like H.G. Wells, the new movie starring Rod Taylor?"



"Sitting right outside your door."

"The sports car?"

"I also flies like your Chitty, Chitty, Bang Bang--by anti-gravity".

"How do you know of anti-gravity? That's ABOVE even TOP SECRET"?

"I'm a backyard inventor, discovered it myself--in 1931."

"Show me. I gotta tell my pal, RAF Wing Commander Roald Dahl about this! You can do anti-gravity from your garage!".

Doc, Marty show Fleming the car on road and flying.

"What I have to show you is rather tame in comparison..."

The Shooting Range

Fleming explains the gun in his hand

"bullets must remain SUBsonic to eliminate breaking sound barrier 'crack'".

"To avoid jams, fire subsonic cartridges thru a mechanically-fired revolver which also retains the spent cases not ejecting them as an automatic does."

Fleming adds a silencer.

"The silencer is icing on the deadly cake".

Fleming demonstrates pop-pop 2x shots hitting target center mass.

"Line up you sights...squeeze...squeeze..."

Doc and Marty practice, get hang of it...Marty having shown a good pistol shot in the "Duck Hunt" video games and his trip back to 1885. 

Final Briefing

"I'm tempted and troubled by your time machine...so you know what happens with your man threatening history...can you tell me what happens to my friend, President John Kennedy?"

Doc and Marty's hearts sink.

"He is gunned down in Dallas, Texas by a group amuch on November 22, 1963"

Fleming stands up.

"You mean Dulles, Texas! that Illuminati lawyer, Nazi sympathizer destroyed the moral OSS we set-up for his evil fascist war criminal CIA! JFK has been toying with disbanding them, I said DO IT and do it quickly before they get YOU..."

Fleming sits down despondent.

"The man you need to 00 on is Allen Dulles and prevent the CIA from ever being born..."

Doc: "Let us kill our man before he gives time travel to the CIA".


Fleming stands up; looks out across his Golden Eye lagoon thru his window-less house opening...

"But then what?"

Doc and Marty shrug.

"Your country...our future world is increasingly poisoned by the CIA into a nuclear WW3 end...."

Doc: "how about we PREVENT JFK from being group ambushed in 1963 after we get rid of Biff, our bad change agent?"

"Tell me exactly what happened and meet me back here 30 days from now"



The Biff Hit

Doc/Marty take the DTTFC back to 1x day before Biff-50 sees them flying and disappearing into the sky.

"Marty you must kill Biff as soon as he returns to waxing your dad's car just after I air land in the Delorean. My landing will serve as a distraction so you and Jennifer drag Biff's body into my car. You over-ride my blabbering about your mutual children...tell me he committed suicide after seeing your flying car land and to dump him into the ocean..."

Marty wakes up, meets Jennifer with hidden revolver. Doc lands...Marty pop-pop kills biff, removes silencer....calls to Doc to help him and Jennifer to the Delorean...

Doc takes off...

Back at Goldeneye...

"Gentlemen, the best way to save Jack is to block the motorcade from turning off main street by possibly smoke grenades....if forced to stay on main street the limousine motorcade will be out of range of the Dealey Plaza snipers and be forced back to Love field and leave hostile Texas"

Doc knowing about the pyrotechnic delay offers a better idea...

"How about our Delorean appears just in front of the motorcade and BLOCKS the intersection?"

"The men in the pilot cars have guns...the Secret Service have rifles like the new AR-15..."

"We will wear hard body armor (HBA) like the Russians had before WW2..."


"Great idea but your Delorean will be riddled with bullets and look like Swiss cheese...will it still operate? Can history afford you to be captured?"

"We will harden it and create a PLAN B. Do you have a spare Aston-Martin we can have?"

"Yes, I do. A new DB3."

"Send it to Dr. Emmet Brown, Hill Valley, California: DO NOT OPEN UNTIL 1987."


The gentlemen spies shake hands.

Dallas Main Street, 1963

JFK's motorcade is slowly traveling in downtown Dallas amidst cheering crowds...evil CIA assassins away him at the parade route's end...

Doc Brown's Lab, 1987

Jennifer is softly smoking a Marlboro light watching the clock tick...if Doc/Marty don't return by 12:30 she must act...

Houston Street, 1963

JFK's motorcade has just gotten moving again; a man claiming to be Secret Service undercover tried to shake the President's hand and warn him--but was tackled by fellow G-men.

The men in the pilot car see their turn on to Houston and laugh.

"Next stop, Camelot in ruins!"


The DTTFC appears in front of the JFK limo, X-100 and blocks the intersection onto Houston.

"Damn" swears hung-over from the night before, limo driver Greer who hits the gas pedal reluctantly to continue down Main street.

His co-conspirator, Kellerman reassures him; "We'll get him next time. At least the blood won't be on our watch..."

The angry G-men get out of their cars riddling the DTTFC with bullets. Doc and Marty had armored it and were wearing Russian HBA so they are safe...

But then the door latch pops open and Marty and Doc are dragged out to be executed on the spot by the G-Men.

"How did you know we were going to hit POTUS?"

"POTUS? you didn't wear diapers today?"

A SS man butt strokes Doc with his AR-15 shattering its plastic stock.

"Not so sturdy your 'polymer' stock, huh?"

"It'll turn your face into sausage!"


An Aston-Martin DB3 Time Travel Car (AMTTC) appears...

Jennifer pops out with a big bullet, 7.62mm x 51mm NATO "AR-10" and shoots down the G-man bang..bang..bang...bang...

"Get in, Marty, Doc!"

Jennifer hits her wrist self-destruct button.

Satisfied the G-man are down, Jennifer drops her AR-10 as a deliberate Red Herring and gets into the AMTTC and guns towards the Texas School Book Depository (TSBD)...then vanishes...

CIA patsy, Lee Oswald in the TSBD front doorway steps--with a coke in hand--sees them disappear...

"I want a James Bond car like that!"

The DTTFC self-destructs--leaving nothing for the 1963 world to reverse-engineer.


"TimeQuest": What if the CIA were Thwarted from Murdering President JFK by Group Ambush in 1963?


JFK does not die in Dealey Plaza.


The Vietnam war is ended with Saigon as a free protectorate like Hong Kong.

RFK replaces his brother as President.

No Watergate.

No Iran-Contra.

No 9/11.


No Biden election steal.

No Ukraine.

No WW3.

Mankind lives.




The "Back to the Future" (BTTF) shtick is MINOR consequential time travel (MCTT) that doesn't change world events and outcomes as other sci-fi movies have toyed with or done. Charming. Harmless. Like-able.

However, with the defacto BTTF 4 video game's 6x hours, BTTF MCTT has played itself out.


The Good/Bad? Faith JFK Decodings & 9/11 Warnings in the BTTF movies are deeply disturbing. 


For sake of argument let's say S/Z/G were being mega-courageous and revealing what their evil Pedo-Illuminati peers have been doing and planning to do SOON.


Change "Biff" to "Darth Vader". Switch "Doc/Marty" to "Obiwan/Solo/Luke". 

Change "Spielberg +ZG" to pal "Lucas" who has NO PROBLEM SHOOTING EVIL MEN DEAD.

Or Spielberg when making "Indiana Jones" aka American James Bond movies. 

Even WITHIN BTTF there IS a GOOD man using guns aka lethal force: STRICKLAND IN BTTF 2.


Why not have him shoot Biff dead when shown he is the source of societal evil?

What? It's OK for Strickland to obviously self-defend against drive-by shooters but not a society killer?

Why can't Marty shoot Biff dead? In BTTF 2/3, he's shown to be a fast & accurate pistol shot. He gives Shamus McFly his revolver & gun belt at the end of this movie, WTF? To do what with it? KILL bad guys? S/Z/G seem to want to have unrealistic BS pacifism and gun self-defense but not at the same time?


Problem solved--just like shooting a sword-twirling dervish from ROTLA. 

Hollywood nihilist-hedonist libtards have a hypocritical tolerance for AUTHORITY FIGURES HAVING GUNS--but not the common sheeple.


We act on IRL 2nd Amendment, self-defensive wisdom in BTTF 5 above. 

For maximum IRL social effects, BTTF 5 should present & actually SOLVE some serious problems we face today:

* Evil Pedo-Illuminati kontrol of all facets of society; particularly governments & industries (Biff a common 25% psych-sociopath is just localized small fry)

* UNsafe gasoline cars/trucks refusal to live by SAFE High Speed Trains (HSTs)

* Constant push for a mass genocide, nuclear WW3 to depopulate 7.89B to 0.50B sheeple

* Civilian pacifist, can't kill-stop normie BS emasculates Doc, Marty, Jennifer et al

Minor points:

* Wouldn't OPSEC ambivalent, Doc, Marty and Jennifer TELL others about the Delorean Time Travel Flying Car (DTTFC)?

* What of Biff-50 in 1985 knowing of at least the FLYING powers of the Delorean sports car?


So far, I have a few major problems licked in BTTF 5.

Eliminating the Pedo-Illuminati and traveling by HSTs will need BTTF VI.

John 3:16

Semper Airborne!

James Bond is REAL. 
