"007 Indiana Jones & Raiders of the FOUND ARK"

This story is dedicated to my friend, the late investigative journalist, Jim Marrs (Crossfire, The 4th Reich) who concluded that Ian Fleming was murdered by the CIA just prior to the Warren Commission Report lest he as a personal friend of President Kennedy and master spy of British Intelligence speak out against their false lone gunmen verdict to his increasingly global James Bond, Agent 007 fan base.

Movie must be filmed in order so cast is genuinely surprised at the reveal!

Fade In

1964: When Men Still Wore Hats

Washington D.C. Closed Hearings of Select Intelligence by AG RFK

Indy/Marion in business attire walk up steps to testify: "Let's go, Handsome"

Seen my report on 1957 Crystal skull incident?

"Sovs not only ones working paranormal mind control using ITs which are demons; none of you guys ever went to Sunday school?"

"Roman Catholic catechism."

"Nazi CIA MKULTRA, better shut-down CIA Nazi thugs before they destroy you, me and everything America stands for; you know they have Anti-Gravity Craft down there in the Antarctic and South America? The '4th Reich' helped by war criminals here now.."

"So do we. We call them 'UFOs' but nod & wink that they are extra-terrestrial to keep the public from a panic"

"Many UK supporters warned your brother, JFK like Captain Roger Moore you know on TV as The Saint at great risk to selves; Dulles led the conspiracy with POTUS Johnson"

"Uho, Lyndon just put him on the Warren Commission...can we trust your UK source?"

"He is very high up. He warned us about Soviet ballistic missiles in Cuba 

before we started flying U-2s, If I told him his name you'd know him right away."

"From London with love"

"Exactly. but you must beef up your own personal security against MK patsy-shooters, Mr. Attorney General"

"Was Oswald this way?"

"No, he is Dulles' red herring show boat--everyone knows he group ambushed JFK and nobody knows..."

BANG! BANG! CIA MK patsy-shooter fires wildly, hits Marion in shoulder and arm.

Real thug narrowly misses RFK, Indy shoots down with Browning Hi-Power 9mm

RFK: "better go to London and find out everything you can"

007 INDIANA JONES & Raiders of the Found Ark 

Map animation RAF airliner flying across Atlantic pausing over London

"Prepare to land, put out all smoking materials" says sexy RAF stewardess

Passengers grumble about having to wear bail-out parachutes

"I'm Sir Hugh Scott, member Parliament".

"Dr. Henry Jones, they call me Indiana or Indy"

Scott asks to make quick bathroom break, Stewardess relents, has briefcase cuffed to hand


Tail of Comet Mk.IV blown off by bomb explosion

Pilots can't control plane; tells everyone to bail-out

Parachutes over London; plane explodes into Thames River

Indy lands on BIG BEN clock, breaks leg

London, Kemsley Newspapers: Everything is NOT Fit to Print

Headline: "Parachutes over London: RAF Jet Explodes"

Foreign News Bureau Editor, Commander Ian Fleming chuckles, hails taxi to take him to hospital.

St. Pancras Hospital

Fleming tells Indy Ark moved from Area 51 to Smithsonian to study manna DNA by Rockefeller Illuminati PROJECT CODE-NAMED BIG APPLE; USMIL thinks invincible bitten off more can chew in Vietnam, no terrain and border control expertise, entered WW2 late in game; Marion is sick found lump in her breast; ; will get early cancer cure dosage from Rothschild Illuminati, MI6-SIS can help operate away from domestic laws in USA; has son from secret engagement; member of 00 assassin program, Agent 007, names Bond, James Bond

Stoke Park Golf & Country Club [ED: Goldfinger's golf course]

"There he is, my tall cousin Christopher Lee, has long arms for a great golf swing"

"Sorry...I thought you were someone I knew"

"You've been asking for a syringe...like this?"

Collosus neck infuses Fleming causing heart attack

Ambulance arrives, Fleming reassures crew not to worry about him

Washington D.C. U.S. Army Walter Reed Hospital

Marion receiving radiation, Indy and Mutt at bed side, discuss Ark's manna, we didn't see it remember?

News that Fleming has died.

Damn, Dulles.

Message to go to British Embassy, package waiting

"I bet its a bomb"

British Embassy

"Captain Jones, this is package for you; 3 shots to be taken over course of 6 weeks; I told you we already had this cured! film is set-up on projector which can't leave sovereign UK soil, best of Luck, Ian"

Indy watches recovered reel of Ark being opened on secret U-Boat base; stops on Belek hands sifting through sand etc.

Indy reports good news to Marion that DNA material still in Ark whose lid closed back on it, gives her 1st shot, she goes into remission but Indy enraged at Fleming's death wants Ark back away from CIA/MILINDCOMP

Meets with Bond, sets heist plan in motion; 007 and heist team will case place out


Captain Jones ordered to active duty for Joint CIA/U.S. Army 173rd Airborne BDE The Herd secret, illegal paradrop into Cambodia to get our own IT crystal skull

"Dulles that sneaky Nazi traitor bastard"

Promised quid pro quo of more cure for Marion if he helps mission

Mass Tac jump with Catherine LeRoy, Dickey Chappelle, sexy photo-journalists to secure area, as sub-set, Indy goes by LVAD M113A1 Gavin light armored tracks on hidden mission

Lengthy Indy defeat of temple booby-traps

NVA surround the Herd as Indy searches;  desperate radio call "if you don't get here within the next 15 minutes don't bother"

Gavin tracks arrive saving the day, as Indy ordered CIA/Army mechforce away to save Sky Soldiers; has crystal skull in hand

1967: "Honey, I'm Home...from Vietnam"

New lump is back; whatever you do, do it faster, Marion scared; Indy calls 007 and Team together

M of MI6-SIS orders 008 sexduction of Dulles horrible disease death as pay-back for Fleming murder

Marion gets more temporary remission help.

Indy gets message that Dulles has died.

"Well I don't see you crying in your corn flakes, Indy"


Indy/007 Team infiltrates by looking like couples on vacation; rehearse plan

1968 Anti-Vietnam War Peace Riots

"Hell no, We won't go!"

Indy/007 team break-in to Smithsonian; cannot find Ark of Covenant; Indy loses cool screams at God at injustice of it all;




Cast must not know of this until day of shooting. Even the BS secular, Illuminati-controlled Wikipedia admits the following:


Abdallah ibn 'Umar al-Baidawi, writing in the 13th century, explains that in the first of its three levels wild and domesticated animals were lodged, in the second the human beings, and in the third the birds. On every plank was the name of a prophet. Three missing planks, symbolizing three prophets, were brought from Egypt by Og, son of Anak, the only one of the giants permitted to survive the Flood. The body of Adam was carried in the middle to divide the men from the women.


 "This computer punch card says there is an 'ark' in basement room 4C"

Team enters, sees old wooden window frame, timbers, stones with holes?

"Yeah they are anchor stones..."

007: "so we have proof of Noah's Ark. ark means transportation, a covering..animals 2 by 2..."

Terror takes hold of Indy as he sees VERY LARGE 15 foot long white alabaster sarcophagus.


007: "What is it?"

They didn't just bring animals aboard"

Team flashlights around large sarcophagus.

Pry bar, open.

Perfect human specimen--15 foot tall GIANT. No belly button.

Team scared shitless just at sight of a giant.

Indy thinks outloud..."The BIG APPLE...as in BIG Adam's Apple"

007: WTFO?

"Meet our father, the 1st human being created by God the Creator. Adam. Over 900 years old til he died. Over 6, 000 years old now"

Team members very terrified.

Indy in shock.

"Yes, proof of the existence of God spoken in the King James Bible, fitting a British team would find this. Must have sent team to Ararat as they had my attention diverted with the Roswell fiasco in '47"

007 realizes opportunity, slaps Indy's back to snap him out;

"Plenty of perfect DNA in there, brother"

Team struggles to get Adam out of container to buy time from theft discovery. Get to rooftop where helicopter slings Adam and them to safety as tear gas clouded, riots going on all round them. 

Brussels, Belgium

Peace Riots outside Bilderberg meeting of assembled evil elites...David Rockefeller speaking recapping Illuminati's goals--the newest, #5 Immortality from Adam's DNA

"We have to remember our agenda--#1 DESTROY the moral, heroic INDIVIDUAL who can thwart our plans. Note this goal comes before #2, MAX PROFITS, #3 THIN THE HERD by 6/7th for Malthusian Earth lifeboat elbow room, #4 EVERYONE ON SAME 666 WWW SHEET OF MUSIC as our Nuremberg defense on Judgment Day and our newest goal, #5 EXTEND ELITE LIFE BY TRANS-HUMANISM."

Message comes in "BIG APPLE has been stolen"

Dumb Bilderberger: "Someone kidnapped New York City?"  

Chase Manhattan Bank

Kill Bond now! I want Jones and his whore dead, I want them all dead.  

PA: First find out what are they up to?

Where are they?

TAROT card reader Solitaire lays out cards:


A building on fire.

Someone falling to their death. 


1969 Empire State Building

Indy set to broadcast Proof of Existence of God; 007 confronts Collosus who radio-directs drone plane into building upper floor starting smoky fire. SPECTRE helicopters attack building to destroy transmission tower; drop off thugs battled by heist team.

Rockefeller watching through binos laughs.

"Will building collapse?"

PA: "Certainly not. Steel buildings don't topple from mere fires why we control demolition them with thermite charges pre-set during construction."

Rockefeller: "We didn't build this one that way? Next time insure we do"

Does battle with him on rooftop antennae area, kills him by making him fall but TV transmission can't go through....

"One small step for man" Fake Action-Reaction Rocketry Moon Landing Broadcast goes out instead

Trapped, Indy/007 team BASE parachute jump to safety and Rockefeller thugs recover Adam behind NYFD firemen who don't know better.


Marshall University, Wherever that is

Completely healed Marion thanks doctor after last shot.

"Thanks to you we will have dozens of new ways that will save thousands, no millions of lives"

Indy: "We lost the proof we need to prove the existence of God"

"What about the Ark wood pieces you got?"

"No one will be swayed by that."

"Well, I am"

Marion embraces and kisses Indy.



Battered Collosus in large '64 Lincoln drives though Indy's house and hood-launches the couple to the floor--smashing furniture along the way.

Injured, unable to defend themselves, Collosus leaves the car to finish them off.

Crack! of a whip....yanks gun from his hand

007 blows him away with Indy's Hi-Power 9mm pistol.

Help them out of house before car bomb explodes.

"My notes! photographs!"


As credits scroll, in background...


"I'm uploading grandpa's Moon landing to YOUTUBE; he taped it with his old humongous machine back then...."

Fuzzy fake moon landing footage is cut-away to Indy Jones introducing himself and Adam to America...at least one person local got the message...

"I'm Dr. Indiana Jones of Marshall University, specializing in Archaeology...this is what we found our U.S. Government had hidden in the Smithsonian Institute along with other artifacts recovered by a secret 1948 expedition to Noah's Ark on Mount Ararat after the war...that's right...Noah's Ark...and inside...this 15 foot tall giant is our greatgreatgreatgreatgrandfather, Adam as described to us in the King James Bible....God exists and has always existed, ladies & gentlemen..."


Dr. Henry "Indiana" Jones        Harrison Ford

Robert Kennedy                       Ben Stiller

Marion Jones                            Karen Allen

Mutt Jones                               Shia LeBouf

Commander Ian Fleming         Pierce Brosnan

Young James Bond 007           Michael Fassbender

MI6-SIS Heist Team Couples

Mike Spinks--Leader               Gerard Butler

                                                Kate Winslett

Weapons Team                        Kevin McKidd

                                                Jessica Alba

Entry-Exit Team                       Clive Owen

                                                Emily Blunt            

Transport Team                       Ray Stevenson

                                                Keira Knightley

Communication Team             Idris Elba

                                                Naomie Harris                                     

M                                             Anthony Hopkins

008                                          Rosamund Pike

173rd Airborne Commander   George Clooney

Dickey Chappelle                   Jennifer Aniston

Catherine LeRoy                    Jennifer Lawrence

David Rockefeller                   Ciaran Hinds

PA                                           Rufus Sewell

Solitaire                                  Emilia Clarke

Allen Dulles                            Matt Damon

Dumb Bilderberger                 Steve Carell

Collosus                                 David Bautista


                                                Mads Mikkelson

                                                Mark Strong

                                                Dean Norris

                                                Jason Isaacs

                                                Danny Trejo

                                                Benecio de Torro

                                                Melinda Clarke

James Bond and Indiana Jones will return in 007 Indiana Jones and Danger of the Lost Moon.


James Bond is REAL.


All Heist team and thugs--along with principle cast--attend 1-week paramilitary shooting, spy school for acting realism

AIM Down SIGHTS (ADS) like in a video game--depicted using body cams so audience feels like they are doing the movie

Lots of kinetic motion like Bigelow's "Point Break"--if Harrison Ford is constantly moving--no one has time to nit-pick his age look!

Good guys smart enough to wear Aircrew ceramic plate hard body armor--bad guys do not and are easily killed

Iconic slow-mo running scenes amidst explosions like deleted beach scenes in Star Wars Rogue 1 desirable; certainly the mass tactical combat parachute jump scenes; this is a movie about courage & heroes

Those whose characters parachute jump actually parachute jump.

