SpyTHINK 089: DECEPTED: the Illuminati Infiltration & Take-Over of the Church Building Dwellers
CAVEAT 1: I DO blame the individual musical artists and bands for all the Satanic krap in their art work & music. Ignorance is no excuse: you have a moral responsibility to NOT POISON people, period. This means YOU, Michael W. Smith as much as it does for Mick Jagger. You are ruining and destroying young, impressionable hearts, minds and bodies--SO STOP IT IMMEDIATELY.
Metaphysical Defense/Offense
Say you don't ally yourself with God, our Creator; you
still can with a for-the-sake-of-argument, give-the-opposing-view-a-chance
DECENCY, wire-diagram-assemble facts and see if they make sense aka fit
together--even if you are "unsaved" without supernatural help
DIRECTION YOU CAN BACK OUT FROM--just "dot" your lines as a
tentative possibility.
In human war, there is TBATE and TBAM. However, other
humans are not our only potential enemies; it's a possibility that we have
supernatural enemies; aka The Battle Against Supernatural Enemies (TBASE).
Notice I offer a CATEGORY--if you are a Satanist your "enemy"
is the King James Bible-believing Christian; and vice-a-versa--but I don't want
to force upon you my views by categorizing the supernatural level of warfare as
"The Battle Against Supernatural Evil"--the sad fact is you
may be pro-evil so that possibility has to be represented in the
CATEGORY for it to be fully true in all situations and be a proper neautral
wire diagram branch.
The Enemy Plays for Keeps and Every Angle
This lost nihilist generation thinks details are "schmetails";
but the reality is THEY CAN KILL. The words of books masquerading as God's Word
THAT ARE NOT THE KING JAMES BIBLE God himself instituted thru the United
Kingdom/England nation-state in 1611 ushering the "Philadelphian" church
age, DO NOT HAVE GOOD, moral supernatural powers. They might have evil,
Satanic, demonic powers as per witchcraft trickery.
Fake bibles also teach lie-ideas that God did not
originate or endorse. Ponder the KJB vs. poison fake example below or at 17:00 in the
Poison Krap Kristian Music
The narrator doesn't seem to understand the NIHILISTIC
DESPAIR all these so-called "christian musicians" are wearing
on their faces, their body language and dress--plus all the evil Satanic
symbology in their music & art work. Actual Christians are dangerously
wrong to dismiss these lies and illogically concluding they are
powerless--poison is NOT FOOD, but you don't eat it because it still has
power--evil power--and it will kill you--everywhere from degradation all the
way to body conk-out aka death.
The narrator is not explicit enough for WHY all these
evil symbologies and messaging are bad, so I'll be more direct than just
innuendo-izing it.
The very act of having such evil items in your home,
CURSES IT BY YIELDING YOUR HOME TURF you own legally as a human caretaker from
God to evil. It's extremely dangerous say to have ouji board at all, period for
example. It's like welcoming in a viral or bacterial plague into your home. The
Illuminati enemy knows this EVIL PROXIMITY GEOLOCATION angle to the hilt--if
you have 10x $1 bills in your wallet--you literally are walking around with
supernatural curses--so it must be said the only "silver lining" in
plastic money is at least you're not conducting a Satanic ritual every time you
put your pants on.
Again, if you're not a KJB believer, you should be able
to give that world-view a chance in a notional wire diagram--of course, if God
is fighting a supernatural rebellion from Satan with mankind in the middle as
designated dominonator of the Earth, there's going to be enemy ploys to rob man
of chunks of the planet--be a haunted house, a free-masonic inscription on a
building's foundation--or our tangible, physical money certificates of mutual
co-operative worth. It's a tired cliche' to dismiss this by saying "they
believe in such things" and I'm not going to do it. People buy into
varous forms of false religious beliefs by occasional supernatural miracles to
con them much like someone winning in a President Donald Trump gambling casino
so as to keep the false hope alive that you might hit the jack pot, too.
MAIN Theme: The ANTI-Christ is an Immoral,
Tolerate-Everything, Bearded Guy-in-a-Bed Sheet, Counterfeit Embraced after the
Obvious Evil Illuminati are Rejected?
The prediction of a 11M Illuminati lynching/back-lash,
knee-jerking sheeple to accepting a WOKETARDED, no morality, sex-with-poop fake
"Jesus" is the most important speculation--and explains the
rise of false Church building dwellers' selfish prosperity lies like black
racist, hedonist, fatfuck Steve Harvey and "Super Church"
corporation membership mills that don't demand John 3:16 pardon requesting and
personal life changing to good faith stoical morality (repentance).
Hell is Eternal Fire AFAIK
CAVEAT 2: I simply cannot buy into the near-death
experience of Melvin claiming people in Hell are in cubicles re-living their
life's follies forever in a 1964 disturbing sci-fi "The Time Traveler's"
movie or TV "Twilight Zone" episode, continuous loop--when the
KJB says you will be BURNING ALIVE FOREVER if you end up in Hell. To paraphrase
fictional U.S. Navy SEAL Rick Rossovitch in the superb action-adventure movie
by the same unit name, you don't have to love the truth-- you just have
to believe it.
Where is the learning curve if say Hillary Clinton were
in a cubicle saying "Russia, Russia, Russia" over and over
again--as directed by her Illuminati masters against President Putin who vowed
the destruction of these 11M despicable kriminals? Is it because life is a
giant recruiting exercise for God's Kingdom to expand into the Universe and
those in Hell have failed to be marginally humble enough to ask for the Lord
Jesus Christ's John 3:16 pardon he earned for us by dying for our individual
and sins?
These require answers "above my pay grade".
They upset me. I actually like people and wish they'd all somehow change their
mind, ask for the pardon and do the best they can in good faith until God
returns and fixes everything.
John 3:16
Semper Airborne!
James Bond is REAL.
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