SpyTHINK 088: 007s Defeat the Illuminati: Banacek to the Future 1974-1985

The Battle Against Man: The Human E N G Split

There are many ways to accurately categorize humans (Type As love violence and are stoical, Type Bs are sex-hungry but lazy etc.) but the most accurate and important way is whether they live by conscience--or not. The reality Ponerologists have proven is that ALL human beings are either:

25% Evil people: psycho-sociopaths

40% Neutral people: authority-following, apathetics

35% Good people: conscientious

Thus, the best possibilities are a GN-driven society, but the most likely reality is EN as seen in the Milgen experiment when 65% would shock prisoners-to-death if evil people were in charge.

Moreover, the Liberal delusion that everyone is basically good (100% G) is false as well as the Conservative delusion that everyone is basically bad (100% E).

Both actually operate like only 10% are E--which damns everything they do as it low-balls evil's power and influence by 15%. Yes, the ultra-rich are only 1% that run-ruin America and the world--but ALL of them are psycho-sociopaths from the 25%. They also have a 24% who are less rich who are spread throughout society running interference for them upon the rest of society--to include the 40%ers who would love to be filthy rich and corrupt, too. Only we, the 35%ers stand on Earth in their way of turning the entire world into a Satanic, totalitarian hell.

What is a Good Person?

A Good Person lives life in good faith decency according to their conscience--this does not imply a works-salvation legal status to earn heaven. It's a temporary life operations thing--that if good people are in charge they direct the N people to behave creating a 75% majority best case possible society--that still has to be on guard always against the 25%ers. NG is still worth fighting for and doing. However, a lot of fascist churchians defecate on living life as a good person by straw manning decency into a selfish earn-salvation by batting over .500 good deeds versus bad--when its actually a separate issue from one's LEGAL STATUS before God Almighty. Of course, none of us can ever be good enough to earn heaven and we humbly ask the Lord Jesus Christ to pardon us. However, this does not mean we no longer fight the good fight here and Earth to be decent and honorable to stop the evil 25%er (or their compliant 40%er) assholes from harming others.   

Illuminati Defeats at the Hands of 007 James Bond Citizens

As dismal as things look today with every walk of American life corrupted by the moral panic brought on by the false flag 9/11 attacks:


A moral panic is an intense feeling expressed in a population about an issue that appears to threaten the social order.[1] Moral panics are in essence controversies that involve arguments and social tension, and in which agreement is difficult because the matter at its centre is taboo.[2] The media are key players in the dissemination of moral indignation, even when they do not appear to be consciously engaged in crusading or muckraking. Simply reporting the facts can be enough to generate concern, anxiety or panic.


The Illuminati have been decisively defeated 3 times since they took over at the turn-of-the-century with their oil-driven, industrial age, mass-producing products for huge amounts of cash for them to bribe-corrupt every walk of life. 

WW2: Don't Ever Let Good People Run the U.S. Military (USMIL)

Talented good people like Fleming, Stephenson, Gavin, Ridgway, Patton defeated the Illuminati's "Hitler Experiment" and the 1947 National Security Act insured egotism and bureaucracy thru trash-talking marines and technoboasting Air Force flyboys ruined any large-scale, future war-ending-in-victory operations. 

JFK: Don't Ever Let a Good Person Become President of the United States (POTUS)

WW2 go-getter, President John F. Kennedy snuck into the presidency appearing to be a liberal-flavored corrupt Illuminist but chose instead to work for the people--he failed to get CIA Director Allen Dulles out of the building for 1 year and ended up in a group ambush assassination. 

Vietnam/Watergate: Don't Ever Have the USMIL Populated by Adult Good People or Let Good People Investigate Conspiracies as Journalists

Sick of the strong of USG assassinations; JFK, RFK, MLK, the deliberately prolonged Vietnam war, the revelation that President Nixon sent burglars into the Watergate hotel to grab Democratic party documents revealing his direct involvement in the CIA-bungled, Bay of Pigs invasion survivor's revenge murder of JFK was the last straw. 

The Banacek Era Ends in 1985; Only 007 Remains

Therefore, the last time (so far) the sheeple successfully derailed the Illuminati's evil plans was in 1975 with Vietnam/Watergate when the WW2 "Baby Boomers" rejected the hive drafting them to die in a Wall Street War Profits Project (WSWPP or "Wasp-PP"--not White Anglo-Saxon Protestants--White Anglo-Saxon Satanist-Pagans) and demanded a corrupt POTUS be removed from office due to revelations from investigative journalist reports. The anti-war protesters claimed the anti-civilian atrocity war high ground though their real motivation was selfish survival and the MILINDCOMP successfully discredited the movement by placing operatives within to discolor it as selfish hedonists wanting drugs, sex and rock & roll music. However, there were still plenty of decent, clean-cut, sober Americans against the open-ended Vietnam war occupation racket that sensed the country was corrupted in every walk of life and they demanded a clean-up which was patronized by the Illuminati giving TV Watergate hearings and a slew of crime-fighter TV shows in the '70s the most important being Banacek because it dealt with decoding complex reality frauds. However, this was a deliberate "limited hang-out" by the CIA/FBI to con the sheeple when actual, real-life tangible reforms like disbanding the CIA/FBI did not happen. CIA Director Colby gave away a lot of agency crimes in Congressional hearings to con them that the evil bureaucracy under Illuminati control would somehow reform itself without Congress disbanding them and starting over with a civilian-oversight, moral intelligence agency working for WE THE PEOPLE--like the WW2 OSS. Colby's reward for saving the CIA was his assassination by them in 1996. 

The CIA knowing the sick, money-loving psychology of the EN 65% American populace knew that at decade's end the zeitgeist would flip-over and the American sheeple would be ready again for another Wall Street War Profits Project. Thus, they knew they only had to ride-out the Vietnam/Watergate protest storm for a decade by conning the sheeple with lots of anti-corruption TV shows and a few token real-life reforms; Nixon was allowed to resign--preserving the Presidency as a dictatorship for the Illuminati--when he should have been imprisoned, his name stricken from the honored roll of Presidents and a warning sent to all future office holders that they are not above the law. The CIA knew that the 20/30 year old something Vietnam/Watergate protestors would soon be 40/50 something middle-aged people concerned about their retirements and comfortable, middle class existences (see Francis Schaeffer's warnings)--no more burning draft cards from them! The Illuminati also learned their lesson to never let the USMIL be populated by good people draftees nor to let good people ever be fully-funded, investigative journalists. You can see the subtle change from the idealistic ending in cynicism by the morphing in TV shows from the crime and conspiracy-fighting to the social conformity pre-occupation which is the basis of nation-state fascism in the 1980s with The Cosby Show and Family Ties.  Family Ties yuppyism fully manifested itself when its star, Michael J. Fox was sent on a modern-day Horatio Alger, rags-to-riches, science fiction action-adventure Back to the Future (BTTF) in 1985 which was all about fitting in and not rocking-the-boat so you get the chick with the nice tits and the 4WD truck--if you pose as a non-door mat--but stay within societal norms. We have already decoded the disturbing and alarming BTTF Illuminati symbology which foretells clearly and without any clutter the incoming WTC building implosions in the near future on 9/11/01:


By 1985, America had forgotten about Vietnam and had failed to reform the USMIL to be able to stop closed terrain infiltration and squash a civil war aka Sub-National Conflict (SNC) to deny the Illuminazis their Wasp PPs. America worship was back and a modest Wasp PP was garnered in Iraq War 1 to rake-in cash and oil for Wall Street and allegedly "get the Vietnam monkee off our back" which was a lie since we refuse to reform our military to win/end SNCs. With Amerofascism on the rise, the Soviet threat was combatted with massive Illuminati MILINDCOMP profits during the Reagen-era build-up while the proxies we were using to stymie the Russian bear in Afghanistan--Islamic rebels were cultivated into full CIA control for later use when a terror attack would be needed as BTTF shows. The American 65% that loves money also loves violence to grab resources and always needs a bogeyman to feed their Rockefeller Illuminati-directed, snobby blood lust:

"Farewell America" by Joseph Hepburn


Americans are the sons of Calvin. John Calvin preached that the pursuit of wealth and the preservation of property is a Christian duty. He taught that the temptations of the flesh demand a discipline as strict as that of the military profession. "He created an ideal type of man theretofore unknown to both religion and society, who was neither a humanist nor an ascetic, but a businessman living in the fear of God." (1)

Two centuries later, this new type of man came under the influence of John Wesley. (2) "We exhort all Christians to amass as much wealth as they can, and to preserve as much as they can; in other words, to enrich themselves." For President Madison, "The American political system was founded on the natural inequality of men." Correlatively, the moral philosophy of the United States is based on success.

At the end of the Eighteenth Century a Frenchman, the Chevalier de Beaujour, wrote on his return from North America, "The American loses no opportunity to acquire wealth. Gain is the subject of all his conversations, and the motive for all his actions. Thus, there is perhaps no civilized nation in the world where there is less generosity in the sentiments, less elevation of soul and of mind, less of those pleasant and glittering illusions that constitute the charm or the consolation of life. Here, everything is weighed, calculated and sacrificed to self-interest."


The Last Man Standing is James Bond

Standing tall throughout this darkness of evil and corruption stands 1 symbolic man; the WW2 Greatest Generation Hero created by Commander Ian Fleming: James Bond.

While TV was seducing the sheeple that all-was-well, WW2 Greatest Generation veterans Saltzman and Broccoli were presenting important movie reminders that complex conspiracies happen in real life and they must be thwarted by James Bonds.

Not surprisingly, in the James Bond movies current Illuminati evils like media moguls brain-controlling the sheeple ("Tomorrow Never Dies") with TV electronic druggery as well as chemical drug warfare ("License to Kill") were cleverly condemned and attacked on screen by Agent 007--showing us the way to do this as James Bond Citizens (JBCs) in real life. When the 9/11 False Flag Attacks happened, Bond was rebooted into a more serious, realistic form Fleming originally intended with clear shots taken at the instigators of this evil crap--the CIA--in "Casino Royale" in 2006 and "Quantum of Solace" in 2008. Then, stung that their evil BS was exposed, the CIA sabotaged the film series by denying funding and forced on to the script of Bond #23 a homopropagandist writer John Logan who defecated on everything James Bond stands for in the awful SkyFall in 2012. A battle for the soul of James Bond is underway and the previous, anti-heroic crap director Sam Mendes is back to ruin 007 some more in Bond #24 SPECTRE. Don't expect any realistic shots against the Illuminati with Mendes and Logan at the helm. 


Sorry, you fuked up Barb trying to brown-nose the Illuminati to get Oscar Gold by anti-heroic James Bond movies. Its time for WE THE 007 FANS to make our own James Bond stories and movies for no $$$ so Fleming's mandate and vision lives on--that complex evil is detected and defeated. As prosumer cameras and editing software improves the divide between what WE THE PEOPLE can do and only what Hollywood/Pinewood can do is ever closing. There are already several non-profit 007 fan films that surpass SkyFall in script, acting--and even production values:

SkyFall: Rebel's Cut


James Bond is Born





The point is that we, the James Bond Citizens need to consciously REJECT broadcast TV and instead make our own cultural statements of who we are and what we stand for--make our own art and make it into real-life--turning the tables on the Illuminati for their next defeat.    


James Bond is REAL.

