SpyTHINK 087: We're ALL Being Played by the Machiavellian Illuminati: PLAY TIME IS OVER, YOU FUCKERS!

Wisdom Derived from Oliver Stone's "Colonel X" in his masterpiece film, JFK

My comments are in [ brackets ].


Coldly implicit in Col. Prouty's afore-quoted empirical statement: “and the hope that in time researchers, students, and historians will be able to ferret out truth from untruth, real from unreal, and story from cover story is at best a very slim one”, is the underlying Machiavellian modus operandi of buying time for sewing faits accomplis (new, unalterable, realities on-the-ground). By straight-jacketing all public discourse in deception when its timely revelation and unraveling can in fact derail the exercise of hegemony, new realities are constructed in the guise of responding to catastrophic events--while the shell-shocked [Neutral-Good, 40er-35%er] people remain dazed, confused, and frightened. They accept any solution offered by the authority figures as Americans did for instance in the aftermath of 9/11 when the catastrophic act of terrorism tore their world asunder. Ex-post facto, and years down the road, separating myths and falsehoods from the calculus of hegemony will still remain only an academic exercise entirely irrelevant to reversing the faits accomplis already sewn! For Col. Prouty to not recognize this rather straight-forward fact of the matter, the key modus operandi of Machiavelli for constructing new unalterable reality on-the-ground, as he non-chalantly observed the above quoted statement says something about the spymaster himself. See "Convince People of Absurdities and get them Acquiescing to Atrocities: The Enduring Power of Machiavellian Political Science" ( http://tinyurl.com/historys-actors-fait-accompli ). Also see "Unlayering the Middle East War Agenda: Making Sense of Absurdities" ( http://tinyurl.com/unpeeling-lies ).

TSIs: Taboo Stealth Indicators

The role of crafty omissions in fabricating propaganda was best captured by Aldous Huxley in his Preface to Brave New World thusly:

"The greatest triumphs of propaganda have been accomplished, not by doing something, but by refraining from doing. Great is truth, but still greater, from a practical point-of-view, is silence about truth. By simply not mentioning certain subjects, by lowering what Mr. Churchill calls an 'iron curtain' between the masses and such facts or arguments as the local political bosses regard as undesirable, totalitarian propagandists have influenced opinion much more effectively than they could have done by the most eloquent denunciations, the most compelling of logical rebuttals. But silence is not enough. If persecution, liquidation and the other symptoms of social friction are to be avoided, the positive sides of propaganda must be made as effective as the negative."

— Aldous Huxley, Preface (circa 1946) to Brave New World, 1931, Harper, pg. 11

To uncover omissions in a discourse is very difficult for the public who do not often have command over the domain in which the falsehoods are being perpetuated. As the psychological insight already quoted above from the Terrorism Study Group betrays, “'Public Assumptions' Shape Views of History. Such presumptions are beliefs (1) thought to be true (although not necessarily known to be true with certainty), and (2) shared in common within the relevant political community.”

Which is why inculcating ignorance, especially political-historical ignorance pertaining to international relations, and being made trusting of authority figures and the state, are the pre-requisites for any vile propaganda to succeed! A well-bred lack of skepticism to authority figures, to experts in scientific disciplines, and to dissenting chiefs playing controlled opposition, thus becomes the heart of social engineering for 'United We Stand'. ["Global Re-Set" "Build Back, Better", "You'll own NOTHING and love it" etc.]

Rockefeller Illuminati LINKAGE

But earlier, the same Polish-American Catholic (see Zbigniew Brzezinski footnote) architect of inflicting America's hegemony upon the world, [Rockefeller Illuminati neocon] Zbigniew Brzezinski, in his 1996 book The Grand Chessboard, had unabashedly examined the need for such invigorations of the public mind, and the very promotion of self-fulfilling prophecies as a basic primacy tactic in order to assert American Primacy and Its Geostrategic Imperatives. As the former National Security Advisor under President Carter, and think-tank advisor to all subsequent occupants of the White House without prejudice, a diabolical strategist for the one-world [Illuminati] oligarchic agenda in cahoots with the international banker David Rockefeller who appointed him the first executive director of the Trilateral Commission, Brzezinski with his imposing resume' (see Zbigniew Brzezinski) betrays a shrewd comprehension of Machiavellian statecraft's reliance on engineering consent. Here is a snippet for the absolute necessity of controlling the public mind for “imperial mobilization”:

“It is also a fact that America is too democratic at home to be autocratic abroad. This limits the use of America's power, especially its capacity for military intimidation. Never before has a populist democracy attained international supremacy. But the pursuit of power is not a goal that commands popular passion, except in conditions of a sudden threat or challenge to the public's sense of domestic well-being. [like the 9/11 False Flag Attacks] The economic self-denial (that is defense spending), and the human sacrifice (casualties even among professional Soldiers) required in the effort are uncongenial to democratic instincts. Democracy is inimical to imperial mobilization.” (pgs. 35-36);

“Public opinion polls suggest that only a small minority (13 percent) of Americans favor the proposition that 'as the sole remaining superpower, [Less than the total 25%er psych-sociopaths aka immoral stoics] the U.S. should continue to be the preeminent world leader in solving international problems'. ... Moreover, as America becomes an increasingly multicultural society, it may find it more difficult to fashion a consensus on foreign policy issues, except in the circumstance of a truly massive and widely perceived direct external threat. .... More generally, cultural change in America may also be uncongenial to the sustained exercise abroad of genuinely imperial power. That exercise requires a high degree of doctrinal motivation, intellectual commitment, and patriotic gratification.” (page 211 and onwards, PDF book)

The Terrorism Study Group in fact took up the future foretelling in 1997-1998 where Brzezinski's self-serving clairvoyance had left off in 1996 with his pithy diabolical wisdom in The Grand Chessboard: “Democracy is inimical to imperial mobilization.” Phil Zelikow, the future 9/11 Commission Executive Director, led the so called study on Catastrophic Terrorism. It presaged, on October 15, 1998, a full three years before 9/11, how that instinctual aversion of America's democratic public to “imperial mobilization” would be overcome by the United States striking out in response to catastrophic terrorism on its soil:

An act of catastrophic terrorism that killed thousands or tens of thousands of people and/or disrupted the necessities of life for hundreds of thousands, or even millions, would be a watershed event in America’s history. It could involve loss of life and property unprecedented for peacetime and undermine Americans’ fundamental sense of security within their own borders in a manner akin to the 1949 Soviet atomic bomb test, or perhaps even worse. Constitutional liberties would be challenged as the United States sought to protect itself from further attacks by pressing against allowable limits in surveillance of citizens, detention of suspects, and the use of deadly force. More violence would follow, either as other terrorists seek to imitate this great ‘success’ or as the United States strikes out at those considered responsible. Like Pearl Harbor, such an event would divide our past and future into a ‘before’ and ‘after.’”

--- History Commons ( http://tinyurl.com/mlzfns )

The reality du jour exactly matches the doctrinal presaging done years in advance. Amerika today is a police-state continually “pressing against allowable limits in surveillance of citizens, detention of suspects”, “the use of deadly force” is ubiquitous, [Except against Illuminati-instigated rioters, looters, burners, murderers] and is fully engaged in a perpetual war of “imperial mobilization”, ahem, 'war on terror' against some Ali Baba, which its own former director of the CIA calls “World War IV” (see CNN report Thursday, April 3, 2003: "Ex-CIA director: U.S. faces 'World War IV'"). Its next target: Iran.

Predictably, with rising skepticism among the public on the utility of pursuing endless wars against illusive enemies that is making their own nation go bankrupt, more “harmful leaks” from assets like Wikileaks will occur, but understandably none which are actually substantial. Like, blowing the lid on 9/11 as an inside job, directly naming the top beneficiaries who shorted the Airline stocks raking in billions, or revealing how BBC came to report the demolition of WTC-7 a full 20 minutes before it actually transpired, never mind lending confirmation to any of the forensic detective work by independent researchers from the debris of 9/11, etceteras. And the main leaker du jour, Mr. patsy Julian Assange, like Mr. patsy Lee Harvey Oswald before him, will be sacrificed, perhaps with a new 'lone gunmen' enactment, or perhaps juridically, to lend the hoopla even more public respectability.

Weak WhistleBlowers

As for Ms. Sibel Edmonds, the dissent-darling of America who collects a large body of its brilliant consciences around her for her FBI whistleblowing, see The Sibel Edmonds Story Revisited - How Manufactured Dissent contributes to War Crimes. There are more whistleblowers from other Western intelligence agencies as well, none of them having gained such outlandish celebrity status or notoriety. It is redundant to dissect them all since they all are, more or less, automatically unmasked by the Mighty Wurlitzer's template demonstrated here. They all, without exception, lie by omission, tell half truth, three quarter truth, and Limited Hangout variants [DaJews did 9/11 all world evils instead of specifically MOSSAD and the CIA etc.], to implant or reinvigorate public beliefs [popular JewHate] without revealing anything substantial that can lead to overthrowing the villainy they endeavor to speak out against. It makes for manufacturing great dissent chiefs.

The Pollyanis had advocacy in the documentary of Gandhiannon-violence as the primary method of global resistance sounds really great on paper. It can even make a great undergraduate thesis in social sciences I am sure.

Revealingly though, and unfortunately not mentioned by Foster Gamble as he rambled on about non-cooperation in the last segment,that wonderful high-minded principle was most brilliantly adduced from logic alone by a 22-year old in 16th century France.

His name was Etienne de LaBoétie.

This young fellow explained non-cooperation most eloquently in 1552 AD in his treatise to end voluntary servitude:

“The Politics of Obedience: The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude”.

It hasn't happened yet!

If lofty platitudes could modulate greed and lust for power, then the Ten Commandments would surely have created heaven on earth by now---

3000 years and still waiting. [Secular author doesn't realize the 10Cs were an EXPERIMENT conducted with a chosen guinea pig people--the Israelis to see if fallen nature man could abide by them, Project was an Old Testament FAILURE hence the NEW TESTAMENT PARDON of God himself dying on the cross in our place aka the Gospel GOOD NEWS that changed the world for the better for a time. That time seems up.]

Just witness what's happening in Palestine with the 1st Commandment–and its harbingers are the wielders of the same power nexus outlined in the documentary! [The malcontented hedonist Arabs refuse to get a civilian normie life and stop attacking stoical Israelis out of envy]

What has the spectating world been able to do about interdicting that cultural and physical genocide of a living [malcontented, criminal] people?

A big fat ZERO.

The troubling question to me for the concluding segment of this otherwise brilliant documentary is this:

Why present such wishful platitudes for the solution space which betray little or no comprehension whatsoever of the diabolical forces of social engineering and [25% Evil, 40% Neutral, 35% Good] human psychology that are at play worldwide?[9]

Getting the public mind to live on false hopes after describing the real problems to them could be construed as a red herring by the skeptic, but I am trying hard not to be one.Rational analysis of a battle to be of any benefit must be rooted in reality and empiricism of the situation,not mysticism, hope,and wishful thinking. As Sun Tzu noted in The Art of War 2500 years ago, self-delusion isn't a very productive winning strategy in any battle, the superfluous references to martial arts and Aikido in the documentary,of using the opponent's own strengths against him,not withstanding:

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.If you know yourself but not the enemy, [It's the Illuminati, moral stoical conservatives] for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat.If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.” [immoral stoics; USMIL]

Indeed,what specific strengths of the ruling [Illuminati] oligarchy to deploy against their primacy in the Aikido match with hoipolloi is not identified in the documentary. A French revolution of the hungry only culminates in more tyranny by hoipolloi upon hoipolloi.It was most ably captured in Charles Dickens' A Tale of Two Cities. 

The rise and fall of Napoleonic history does not contradict that Dicken's fable at all.

Sheeple Can't Read Machiavelli

The common man today is as averse to projects of imperial mobilizations of the elite as in the yester century. He must be deceived into paying for these projects, both with his toil, and with his life. Machiavelli's thin book, The Prince, which is read by most high-schoolers in Westerndom, is surely the most misread book of all times. It is evidently read as a fairytale rather than as a most pertinent political science key to the cryptogram of current affairs --- for, the vast majority of these learned masses many of whom eventually graduate from Western universities with high-falutin credentials, demonstrate at best only a passing acquaintance with that strangely popular sixteenth-century Italian name. The handful who may comprehend it, mostly go to work for statecraft and think tanks. The remaining do nothing with any of its insights into how the elite must rule by way of deception and secrecy when they do not have autocratic and dictatorial open authority over the masses like that of kings and feudal lords in centuries past. In the modern fiction of “democracy”, the [Illuminati] elite can only govern by way of engineering the public's consent, by keeping secrets, and by adopting covert means, especially for carrying out long-term unpopular agendas. The common man's attention span is just too short to think about these agendas, and to sensibly relate them to current affairs on a canvas any larger than his own immediate time and space which is almost always bounded by his very narrow immediate self-interests. [Sheeple are Civilian Normie Dumbshits]

Life is a Crime Scene!

There is, however, a very tiny minority of intelligent ones among the public not so easily fooled. Some do learn from the lessons of history and are able to relate it to the present. There is surely something to be gained by examining what transpired during the recently defunct Cold War in its “demand creation” techniques (in marketing terms), and its four decades-long continuance via global fear mongering, and relating that to the present. Otherwise, what's the grand purpose of studying history, especially forensically studying it by shrewdly treating it as the narrative of a crime scene written by the Mafioso families' own scribes. The modern history scribes, often paid for by the establishment, rehearse facts and figures ex post facto from "official" documents without addressing the secret, and the not so secret, motivations and behind the scenes forces that give birth to these facts and realities constructed by the “history's actors (see history's actors quote below). It's almost like the sly French police Captain Louis Renault in the film Casablanca, saying to the gendarmes: “round up the usual suspects” to cleverly deflect attention from the protagonist who has just shot and killed the Gestapo chief – because, it is not in anyone's interest to spotlight the real behind the scenes forces. Especially when they or their legatees are still in control. And also because it is not judged to be “sound academics”. The fear of being seen as “conspiratorial” encourages intellectual self-policing long before the establishment's academe and media policing can kick-in and impact well-paying careers and fame. The only useful purpose of studying history accurately, without self-deception, without contrivance, and without apologetics, was most elegantly captured by the wise playwright of the early twentieth century, George Bernard Shaw:

“We are made wise not by the recollections of our past, but by the responsibility for our future.”

Manufacturing Sheeple Consent in the Hive

That is the real import of the craftsmanship of the Mighty Wurlitzer! To engineer a fait accompli by manufacturing consent among the gullible masses and controlling dissent among the rabble rousers when “imperial mobilization” is still on-going, leaving future scholars, historians, and the odd malcontent to laudingly study the ashes, mea culpae, confessions, documentaries, de-classified documents, and strategic rattlings left behind by “history's actors”. A diabolical modus operandi of democratic statecraft which the Mighty Wurlitzer's operators even brazenly gloat about:

'“We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality -- judiciously, as you will -- we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.”' (Ron Suskind, New York Times, Oct. 17, 2004)

Obsessing with the Previous fait accompli: Stop Playing Fucking Banacek--Go After the Perps! The Evil "Actors" Like Suskindfuck...

Where you gonna go?

Those few who eventually wizen up to it all and fearlessly exit that Hegelian Dialectic altogether are now attempted to be corralled in warmly welcoming “conspiracy” groups strategically cultivated for exactly this purpose as part of “imperial mobilization” planning. As Cass Sunstein put it in “Conspiracy Theories”, these groups lend “beneficial cognitive diversity” to aid statecraft defocus all the angry energies. [But Confuciousfuck says ANGER IS BAD--like PC Clintonfucks, too!]

If the Hegelian Dialectic didn't get all the morally-angry people as it did the vast majority of the public diabolically trapped between the false paradigm of “militant Islam” vs. “moderate Islam” and controlled dissent all sharing the empire's core-axioms, this trap catches the remaining majority. Watch how the most intelligent among this lot soon find themselves in the 9/11 "Truth" [Instead of JUSTICE] Movement. See Toronto Hearings: A strange cast of characters among 9/11 Truth Leadership.

That treadmill is strategically designed to occupy the remaining morally-angry people studying 9/11 mysteries and how the WTC towers came down repeatedly calling for “new investigations”. The “history's actors” of course, unbeknownst to these bright lads, have already announced that this is precisely what they shall all be kept busy with: “We're history's actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.” In the meantime, the “history's actors” have acted again and created “new realities”. [ElexSteal, China Flu, DEATH & Vaxes]

There is no exit from that trap either so long as one is kept occupied with the previous fait accompli leaving the “history's actors” free to enact new ones!

The aforementioned set of comprehensive fly traps pretty much ensnare what appears to this scribe to be close to ninety nine percent of the nation's citizenry. About the remaining odd percent (or two), Adolph Hitler had observed in his Mein Kampf: “the value of these [skeptics] lies in their intelligence and not in their numerical strength,”! No one pays any attention to them whatsoever. If they speak, they are first ignored, then reviled, and then made an offer they can't refuse. As part of “imperial mobilization” planning, statecraft ensured via the Patriot Acts, police state laws, “no fly lists”, etc., that there remained no effective means [like PUBLIC INQUESTS] for ordinary citizens to ever effectively mobilize themselves together on a single focussed goal of derailing “imperial mobilization” and therefore pose any threat whatsoever to their plans.

Illuminati Run Both Sides of the Fence

All this public fracas of dissent against the establishment is somewhat akin to the American and Russian spies strategically collaborating with each other despite their often antagonist tactical missions, for the greater common good of the military-industrial complexes of both nations during the Cold War. When we perceptively read the works of Antony Sutton, Carroll Quigley, and W. Cleon Skousen, it becomes obvious that the uber-capitalists and the uber-communists where in fact covertly collaborating at crucial core nexuses despite all their overt WWF wrestling style public Type A stoics vs. Type B hedonist antagonisms. Both serving the interests of the same Illuminati financiers. In other words, at the highest levels of social control, there is evidently no difference of overarching agendas among its seemingly antagonistic players, each one of them merely playing a theatrical public role. Shakespeare aptly dramatized it in As you like it:

'All the world's a stage,

And all the men and women merely players:

They have their exits and their entrances;

And one man in his time plays many parts,

His acts being seven ages.'

It should now be self-evident that Bernard Lewis and Noam Chomsky together, while seemingly cogent opposites, in fact represent the class of counterpoint tunes of the Mighty Wurlitzer which nicely bookend all public discourse between the artificial bifurcation of Right and Left, Conservative and Liberal, Establishmentarian and Rebel, Totalitarian and Anarchist, Consent and Dissent. It is the two antipodes of a fabricated Hegelian Dialectic to respectively engineer both consent and dissent in order to sustain “imperial mobilization”.

Noam Chomsky himself argues the veracity of this observation in his own erudite manner:

"The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum - even encourage the more critical and dissident views. That gives people the sense that there's free thinking going on, while all the time the presuppositions of the system are being reinforced by the limits put on the range of the debate."--and yet, he just as willingly participates in it.

Foil the Assholes by Ascertaining their R.O.T.M.?

Can one intelligently not data-mine propaganda itself, in the backdrop of the Mighty Wurlitzer's unhidden motivations and agendas, to accurately perceive and preempt what's up next?

The following passage from the 2500 years old, Art of War is pertinent backdrop to the aforementioned chutzpah of empire – a zeitgeist in which the scholars of empire announce their intentions brazenly years in advance, while the detractors of empire excel in the ex post facto narrations of what is already a fait accompli after the “history's actors” have acted and created “new realities”. The instruments of empire award their own antagonists high honors and great accolades for their bold rehearsal and dissection of histories amidst the fawning adulation of all their followers having their new 'ah hah' and 'never again' [Banacek/Agatha Christie] moments for the first time in their life. And the cycle repeats again and again for each new act of the “history's actors”:

'8. To see victory only when it is within the ken of the common herd is not the acme of excellence.

9. Neither is it the acme of excellence if you fight and conquer and the whole Empire says, "Well done!"

10. To lift an autumn hair is no sign of great strength; to see the sun and moon is no sign of sharp sight; to hear the noise of thunder is no sign of a quick ear.'

Paying particular attention to item 10., one may conclude that to perceive and anticipate in a timely manner that which is not obvious to others leads to many tactical as well as strategic advantages, both in the battle of hegemony and secrecy, and, in the battle against tyranny. Which is why the public and their lauded dissent chiefs are always, but always, kept busy in idiotic puppet shows by the Machiavelli when it is most essential that they be shrewdly sighted.

Public pre-emption can be effective in derailing imperial mobilization only BEFORE it becomes a fait accompli. Ex post facto, when the public eventually wakes up to ascertain that it was indeed all a puppetshow, it is inevitably too late to do anything about the matter except to “study” what the “history's actors” have left behind! Obsessing with the previous fait accompli when dissent chiefs lead the effort, evidently, is also a calculated part of Machiavelli. The principle of temporal urgency in maintaining utmost deception (and secrecy) while “new realities” are being planned, orchestrated, and harvested, was articulated by NiccolĂ² Machiavelli in The Prince. The modern day version of this predatory statecraft is the National Security Council Directive NSC 10/2 for creating cover stories and red herrings alongside covert operations. See Anatomy of Conspiracy Theory (http://tinyurl.com/cognitive-diversity).

As part of that plan to deflect public attention, those attempting to see through its fog of deception when a fait accompli can still be averted – before missiles have left their silos, before pen has been put to tortuous legalisms to sanction tyranny – are variously labeled as 'kooks', 'conspiracy theorists', 'delusional', 'denier', etc., their efforts infiltrated and subverted (as in cointelpro), [Qanon BS] and their energies defocussed by introducing what's cynically called “beneficial cognitive diversity” (see Cass Sunstein, and this counterpoint to dissent-chief David Ray Griffin's “eureka” moment on Cass Sunstein's “Conspiracy Theories”).


007 Citizens: BEWARE AN UFO 9/11

007 Citizens: DEFEAT The Coming Fake UFO-ET Attacks or "Events": Why the Point of Gravity is URGENT: 75% OF UFOS COME FROM PEOPLE!

Silicon Valley electrical engineer Zahir Ebrahim is a brilliant human being, period. While I disagree with him on his religious beliefs, he is almost spot-on when it comes to geopolitics and cryptopoliticals--but weak on technohistoricals.

He makes a DIRE WARNING that UFOs/ETs are going to be the next Super Bogeyman upon Moral Panic-stricken Americans---which Von Braun also warned us about years before as the final "threat card" to play. Look what happened to the radiosheeple in 1938 during Orson Welles' infamous "War of the Worlds" broadcast faking to be from societal AUTHORITY FIGURES:


What's a Moral Panic? (Hint its what we've been experiencing since the 9/11/2001 False Flag Attacks)


"A moral panic is an intense feeling expressed in a population about an issue that appears to threaten the social order.[1] Moral panics are in essence controversies that involve arguments and social tension, and in which agreement is difficult because the matter at its centre is taboo.[2] The media are key players in the dissemination of moral indignation, even when they do not appear to be consciously engaged in crusading or muckraking. Simply reporting the facts can be enough to generate concern, anxiety or panic"


Ebrahim is right that ET threat bullsh*t is brewing--but his anti-Anti-Gravity Craft (AGC) stance because he rejects free energy technologies because Pollyanna New Agers embrace it is "throwing out the baby with the bath water"--and undermines his otherwise correct position: 


2. How does Ebrahim account for the rash of thousands of flying saucer sightings since the end of WW2?

Ebrahim is brilliant articulating that talking about UFOs "poisons your well" credibility-wise and is one of many defacto safety mechanism for moral cowards to be seen as "crazy" so the Illuminati don't murder them for their opposition to other iron-clad evils.

So in the web pages below he softly suggests that the MILINDCOMP will somehow come up with HUMAN flying saucers to con the sheeple they come from ET posting pictures of disc-shaped airplanes.




This might on paper, take care of problem #1 but not for long after folks start shooting at them and they crash in flames from fossil fuel engines/tanks in ballistic trajectories like airplanes. Then there is no technohistorical explanation for all the post-1945 UFO sighting.

We here at James Bond is REAL are not cowards. 

We tackle problems 1 & 2 head-on even if the nihilist-hedonistic cybersheeple on YOUTUBE want to group-hug ET so they don't have to worry about God Almighty of the Bible judging them if they partied all-the-time here on Earth when they should have been fighting EVIL and defending their neighbors. 

Ebrahim himself praises the Operation PAPERCLIP Nazi scientists so maybe (at least publicly) he then doesn't take it to its logical conclusion:


Can we not be more clear?

By 1962, America had perfected their own AGC flying saucers.

So when the time comes to scare-the-living-sh*t out of the telesheeple and cybersheeple--only a few booksheeple will be there to stand up to the evil BS and reveal what it is to their terrified neighbors.

If its man-made, SHOOT IT.

If its supernatural, demonic, open your King James Bible and tell them to "get thee, hence!".

That's what we, the James Bond Citizens (JBCs) do and will continue doing when evil trespasses. We should have a dedicated Earth Defense Force (EDC) to watch/defend our skies within visual observational range.

If the day of UFO terror comes, we know Ebrahim will be standing with us knowing its a con--he might just be a bit surprised at HOW GOOD IT WILL LOOK.     


So What's Next according to Project Humanbeingsfirst?

The Alien-UFO Agenda is one such future fait accompli in the works which can still be averted by the public becoming rationally informed about the demonic art of the Mighty Wurlitzer. The fact that:

* references to UFOs even made it into one of Wikileaks whistleblowing disclosures ;

* the fact that the FBI recently made available a 1950 Roswell UFO memo lending “UFOs” a legitimacy in the gullible mind by way of it being held as a supposed “state-secret” for these past sixty years ;

* the fact that U.S. military is even playing war-games to interdict UFOs (USAF couldn't interdict 9/11 airplanes and are therefore determined, one surmises, to not fail against an alien UFO technology that is advanced enough to visit earth from another galaxy) ;

* the fact that there is a pertinent office at the United Nations, UNOOSA, with “the plan to make Unoosa the co-ordinating body for dealing with alien encounters [which] will be debated by U.N. scientific advisory committees and should eventually reach the body’s general assembly”, and a special U.N. Ambassador has been “tasked with co-ordinating humanity’s response if and when extraterrestrials make contact” ;

* and the uptick in other bogus and absurd conversations on Aliens and UFO even appearing in the mainstream media, not to mention its unrelenting repetition in the so called “alternate media” and on the internet; all indicate that its unveiling time is likely approaching near.

The reaction to this super nemesis too will surely also be launched with “either you are with us, or with the aliens” false dialectics!

If the public can preempt that propaganda by focusing on unraveling the many facets and scenarios on what they Machiavellianly plan to do BEFORE they enact them, the vile psy-ops can surely be defeated BEFORE it becomes the new established “facts” on-the-ground for the globalists' coup de grĂ¢ce: the final restructuring of the planet into world government (http://tinyurl.com/ftworldgov).

Caption 'Proof of (alien) life? A copy of the 1950 memo that recounts the discovery of flying saucers and aliens in New Mexico. The memo has been published on the FBI website' --- U.K. Daily Mail 9th April 2011.

A more perceptive caption however would read: 'The Art of the Mighty Wurlitzer: How to fabricate Aliens and UFOs Myths using the ploy of leaking State-Secrets'


John 3:16

Semper Airborne!

James Bond is REAL. 
