SPYTHINK 081: Indy007: "Jason & the Argonauts"; Paganism Powered by Demons


Christians fail to defend objective, physical reality and true faith in God, our Creator when they--like secularists--mock ancient mythology aka paganism as having ZERO validity. This is dangerous BS--remember that Pharaoh's magicians could perform minor miracles as well as Moses--but not major ones like parting the Red Sea he could do being connected to the HIGHEST POWER--God Almighty. Scorning paganism claiming it had ZERO supernatural powers is not only false, it disrespects people of the pre/post-flood past as inferior being dumbshits as per the caveman-to-spaceman man only knows things from his own trial & error, lie world-view. The truth is man INHERITED vast amounts of knowledge/skills DIRECTLY FROM GOD by EATING IT while in the Garden of Eden. For how long? I speculate--just a guess--10x years. Certainly enough time to have city living and advanced machine including flying ones-technology. Researcher Everard says man learned tech from demons. It could be both. MAN WAS NEVER A CAVEMAN or ape as Kubrick depicts in his evil "2001" sci fi movie--but he could DE-GENERATE to cave living in a societal collapse recovering from the flood. 

Like a Donald Trump gambling casino, players MUST WIN AT LEAST SOME OF THE TIME or else they'll have zero hope and not play at all; likewise Satan and his fallen angels must perform minor evil supernatural miracles to keep various paganism con jobs viable with the sheeple. Legendary semi-Christian Chris Everard gets this as seen in his research falling just short of the true Judaeo-Christian wotld-view. This is why life cannot be utterly explained by repeatable test tube experiments as reductionists claim; LIFE IS A CRIME SCENE filled with bad faith false clues--the delusion that thinks otherwise is why sheeple can't figure out elaborate False Flag Attacks (FFAs) like 9/11, the Biden/Harris election hoax/steal or realize the pro-1773 Boston Tea Party participant Founding Fathers gave us a WEAK 1787 U.S. Constitution (USC) lacking REALITY FRAUD SAFEGUARDS like a Grand Jury of the U.S., public inquests in an INQUISITIVE not binary adversarial legal system. Today's BS INjustice system refuses to do ANYTHING until an air-tight case is collected blaming one or a CONSPIRACY of people in absurd court room standards--even then they can say NADDA if they are pro-criminally korrupted like today in Illuminati-kontrolled Amerika. 

Greek mythology as seen in Satanist Ray Harryhausen's beautiful stop-motion animation and Kim Novack's beautiful rack of a golden fleece is fully portrayed in JATA like no other movie before--or since. I stand by that conclusion and reject both CGI and the weak supernaturalism in later inferior movies. JATA is quite a sexy adventure with Novack and bosomy Honor Blackman (In the TV "Avengers" and sultry "Pussy Galore" later in "Goldfinger" James Bond adventure)  that fucking doesn't shy away from supernatural implications---if the Argonaut Sailors need proof, the wooden bust of Hera comes to life, bats her eyelashes and TALKS TO THEM, no ifs ands or buts. Wonderful. No pussy galore footing around in JATA.

As it should be since IRL classical Greece they listened to statues for advice as bosomy archaeologist Bettany Hughes points out if you can stop staring at her great figure. Obviously, Satan pulled the rug-out from ancient Greece and Rome with bad supernatural stunts and then no supernatural support collapsing those human societies and damning people to lie lives for centuries until the Lord Jesus Christ--God's Son visited us and offered us a way out--a John 3:16 pardon.

Since we need to UNDERSTAND THE ENEMY, Christians CAN enjoy watching JATA as long as they realize they are watching a supernatural con that--brace yourselves--hearkens back to PHYSICAL MONSTER ANIMALS and HYBRID HUMANS created by Genesis 6 fallen angels having sex with beautiful Earth women. Even they have an appreciation for God-created feminine beauty even if today's nihilist WOKETARDED feminazis do not. Everard understands the horrific implications and documents demon-powered paganism.

Islam is pagan worship of the moon god, Allah that was one of many on the polytheistic cube in the area now called Saudi Arabia; YES, Satan supplies miracles from time to time to make the fatal path look legit; THIS IS WHY GOD DOES NOT HAVE US BASE OUR LIVES BY MIRACLES BUT BY HIS 100% ACCURATE WORDS IN THE KING JAMES BIBLE transmitted to us through the nation-state of England in 1611 A.D. There's no way we humans can differentiate a Satanic miracle in light clothing from a real one; we can as Christians command demons to show their true colors if on the scene like the U.K. DPO women being hit by cars/trucks on the highway, but this is not comprehensive enough to formulate a society's baseline of civilized behavior and world-view. Do you formulate a world-view by winning MMA fights?

John 3:16

Semper Airborne!

James Bond is REAL.  

