Chris Everard makes the BEST Illuminati-revealing documentaries, period. He is not afraid to act on the REALITY that the supernatural exists and run with this to its logical conclusions to UNDERSTAND OUR ENEMY. I wish Chris would show his docos for FREE and come up with some advertising to fund his organization; I certainly can tolerate commercials interrupting his presentations.

My next wish is that Chris would let us professionals with military/spy experience to participate in his research so its BETTER as in even more hard-hitting. You'll see in this post in [  ] the feedback I could have given him if given the chance instead of after the production in a MI7 post. 

Chris Everard - British author & Film maker chriseverard@creators.gumroad.com writes:


Yes, that's what has happened to the official police reports on the [instigated collision] car crash which killed PRINCESS DIANA...

There are THREE letters written by Princess Diana which accurately foretell of her being injured or killed in a car crash.

Princess Diana was NOT psychic - her letters accurately foretell her fate because SAS and Scotland Yard Special Branch officers TIPPED HER OFF that an assassination was afoot...

[This is encouraging that not all these men are corrupted, but why then didn't they offer to IMPROVE HER PHYSICAL SECURITY so the  instigated collision could not happen?]

Land mines are placed in the ground around DIAMOND MINING AREAS to stop local people getting rich... And Diana campaigned against landmines - effectively campaigning against the Royals who own shares in banks and jewelry corporations worldwide. [RACKET THEORY and a tell that MAXIMIZE PROFITS is one of the Illuminati's Main Goals.]

Those diamonds are a big earner for the European Royal elite - and land mines stop local people from taking even a single diamond - even though these diamonds are 'officially' owned by their respective African countries - the problem is, those countries are very often members of the ROYAL COMMONWEALTH....[The essence of Colonial Imperialism is the temptation to rob these areas of their natural resources and NOT raise the local people's well-being. If a Colonial partnership was to be done right in GOOD FAITH it should be for an expiration date mandate like Hong Kong--if France had done this to smother the 1962 Algerian guerrilla war her very existence threatened now by Islamic slum areas filled with selfish immigrants unwilling to be Citizens could have been avoided]

By exposing the land mine scam, Princess Diana was in fact challenging one of the biggest top earners for the [Rothschild Illuminati] Royal Elite...

And that's just the start of an all new ILLUMINATI MOVIE which has already started streaming on THE ENIGMA CHANNEL...

The DEEP STATE covered-up the Diana murder - and a large number of ETON BOYS who used to have tea at Windsor when they were boys all of a sudden were recruited as government ministers and replaced staff who may have been willing to tell the truth about the Diana crash...  Watch our BULLINGDON BOYS TV Special right now. https://gumroad.com/l/zzBZy

ILLUMINATI Vol.V re-investigates the crash which killed HRH Princess Diana following her campaign against landmines in Africa... . A whole year subscription is just $30. Click here to get set-up https://gumroad.com/l/zzBZy

We investigate the letter which Princess Diana wrote predicting that she was going to be injured or killed in a CAR CRASH - she wrote two copies of this letter - one was given to her solicitor who handed it over to Scotland Yard - they placed it in a Safe Deposit Box AND LEFT IT THERE - even though this is EXACTLY how Princess Diana died - the police have never taken her husband in for questioning. [Sadly, this is why Biden/Harris here in Amerika have yet to be arrested for hoaxing they were the "elect". The Illuminati play hard ball; normies want to live life in a fantasy delusion that men with guns and arrest powers are needed to stop secret society-organized, evil conspirators].

ILLUMINATI Vol.V re-investigates the crash which killed HRH Princess Diana following her campaign against landmines in Africa...

Watch it now. A whole year subscription is just $30. Click here to get set-up https://gumroad.com/l/zzBZy

Subsequent parts of this all-new ILLUMINATI film will investigate the Royal connections to the THIRD REICH. Start watching now. A whole year subscription is just $30. Click here to get set-up https://gumroad.com/l/zzBZy

My name is CHRIS EVERARD and I have made five full length documentary motion pictures  about THE ILLUMINATI - my films contain an international investigation which spans many centuries, charting the birth of the modern Illuminati all the way back to BABYLON...

... We kick off ILLUMINATI Vol.5 in Africa at some of the world's most profitable DIAMOND MINES.

Although they have diamonds [Re: Commander Ian Fleming's warning in "Diamonds are Forever". Diamonds are used to bribe federal judges here in Amerika because they are un-traceable. The saying is GOD--Gold, Oil & Diamonds run the world] beneath their feet, local people have no running water, no bathroom and no money... This film is the first and only film which takes a look behind the scenes of the trillion-dollar empire known as the 'Royal Commonwealth'...

THE ILLUMINATI series of films investigates more than just high-level assassinations - we reveal the black magic books known as Grimoires used by various covens and lodges - many of which have assassins and contract killers as part of their membership.

NO SET-TOP BOX REQUIRED - WATCH IN ANY COUNTRY ON ANY DEVICE. Our new season of Documentaries & Films go way beyond anything you’ll ever find on YouTube or Netflix. Our new streaming service is just $5 per month or $30 for a whole year. ILLUMINATI V is in our MOVIES category - along with thousands of other investigative documentary films, movies and TV shows.


Semper Airborne!

James Bond is REAL.
