SpyTHINK 068: Zombie Cards for Hoe Xiden: Illuminati Felon Illegally Occupying the White House

Xiden's flash cards to prompt him recently captured by a videographer during a public speech


"Trump" = President Trump legitimately elected by the majority of the American people--we, the Illuminati do not recognize this

"Abused Power" = POTUS Trump actually opposed our evil, wicked, Satanic plans

"DOJ out of control" = They actually ARRESTED some of our evil Illuminati criminals (good news to moral, stoical Americans that the Illuminati is butt hurt some of their evil fucks were broughht to some human justice, hahahaha!)

"my values and principles and priorities" = Which are no MORAL ones; I, Joe Biden am a notious lying scum whose priority #1 is serving my Illuminati masters...goals are things like DISARMING moral, stoical Americans so they can be DEATH KAMPED ie; mass-murdered to meet our de-population goals....

"respect for Congress as co-equal" = don't oppose our bought politicians back door evil stunts to destroy America turning it into Amerika; fuck the U.S. Constitution which does NOT have equal separation of powers 

"freedom of press" = Anarchy of speech to sedition, libel and destroy anyone who says no to the nihilist-hedonist WOKETARDED way of life, we the Rothschild Illuminati have set for them; "they'll own nothing and love it" etc. the 1776 Declaration of Independence deletion-sabotage of Thomas Paine's admonition that PROPERTY is a right--comes home to roost

"voting rights" = for fake, non-existent and dead people; whoever we can conjure up for illegal fake votes to create the false illusion of citizen's consent to our rule is a RIGHT of the Rothschild-illuminati-kontrolled DeMOBcratic party

"voting rights initiative" = make sure we the Illuminati can steal all future elections to illegally rule over all Amerikans, herding them as sheep to our slaughter houses so we'll make Planet Earth more green, eco-cozy for us and our in-bred off-spring!  


Functional nihilist Amerikans (especially POTUS Trump) let this senile zombie, piece-of-shit, felony hoax he was the "elect" before any official election determinations--which according to the LAW disqualifies him from holding ANY USG position--waltz all the way into the White House.

Semper Airborne!

James Bond is REAL. 
