SpyTHINK027: JFK/RFK vs. the Immoral Stoical MILINDCOMP: "For Purpose" Means Conspiracy

"If everybody is cheating at cards how can you have a honest hand?"

--Chris Fulton's grandfather

Immorally and illegally imprisoned, Chris Fulton--whose mom knew RFK but the upside is Fulton's military officer friend, Robert White was trusted by JFK's secretary Lincoln with key proofs that JFK/RFK were at war with the MILINDCOMP--military, CIA, FBI who wanted WW3 with Russia/China that would cost at least 43, 000, 000 American dead. Clearly, the MILINDCOMP is willing to concoct False Flag Attacks (FFAs) like Operations NORTHWOODS or 9/11 to get the cash cow wars they want like Vietnam. FFA attack on JFK would be used to 1st strike Russia for WW3. Fulton reports Illuminati scumbag Dulles was still running the CIA from Georgetown after technically being "fired" belatedly by JFK in late 1961. JFK's audio recordings on this. The JFK Cartier wristwatch had a frangible exploding bullet fragment proving a frontal headshot wound of a multiple gunmen ambush as was X-100 limousine alteration which otherwise proves multiple gunmen attacked it, reported by good faith Secret Service (SS) Agent Bow. 

Look Ma! No LOS SS Security around JFK's Limousine!

The SS stood-down and security stripped agents from blocking the Line-of-Sight (LOS) of gunmen around the limousine. Enough rounds gathered up in Dealey Plaza in Dulles/Dallas, Texas showing a multiple gunmen ambush.  

Could Dulles be any more obvious showboating he and his CIA murdered POTUS JFK?

Finally out of INjustice Department, prison ("they can indict a ham sandwich if they want to"), Fulton courageously has written a book on the costly "inheritance" Americans gained from their murdered lives: WE EXIST. Getting moral stoical POTUSes like JFK, Trump are not to be counted on. 



The FUNDAMENTAL DELUSION of the 40% American authority-following sheeple is they don't understand that they can be forced into immoral WARS if their governments are taken over by the 25% psych-sociopaths as what happened post-1945 in America. Fulton says he knows that psych-sociopaths have no conscience qualms with murdering millions since he personally experienced these folks while illegally in federal prison. Psychopaths like Dr. David Wood who is now a Christian but who doesn't answer his emails. 

If Simon Says! (Germany's dictator Kaiser Wilhelm) says take France so I can have warm water ports for my 1:1 scale toy battleships, IF THESE ARE THE CARDS DEALT--the sheeple go to war. Just like a Commander Ian Fleming, RNVR, MI6-SIS Master Spy card game. Gladly. German's 3IC, Goering---IMHO redeemed his entire life by his one statement to the world of war warning:

"“Why, of course, the people don’t want war,” Goering shrugged. “Why would some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best that he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece. Naturally, the common people don’t want war; neither in Russia nor in England nor in America, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood.

“But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy or a fascist dictatorship or a Parliament or a Communist dictatorship.”

“There is one difference,” [Gilbert] pointed out. “In a democracy the people have some say in the matter through their elected representatives, and in the United States only Congress can declare wars.”

“Oh, that is all well and good, [replied Goering] but, voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.”

After WW1, the sheeple embracing HEDONISM ("The Roaring [19] 20s") aka popular civilian misbehavior isn't going to stop wars caused by their Simon Says! rulers controlling their comfortable life societies built/maintained by stoics--appointed by the evil Illuminati secret societies--instigating them--who are under-girded, empowered by the immoral stoical sheeple within their societies. No amount of "The Great Gatsby"-style partying is going to stop death merchants and their war profiteering rackets using border lines as excuses to take more land from neighbors as Richard Harris' King Arthur warns in Camelot. As a military professional military racketeering opposes military excellence to prevent/smother wars choosing instead to PROLONG THEM for greed/ego reasons. Get Roman genius General Julius Caesar in a time machine and put him in charge of Afghanistan--he'd quickly wall around AFPAK backed by strong points, then  hunt down/kill all rebels, salting their fields so no more poppy drugs could be grown there. PROBLEM SOLVED. Incompetent American military officers who don't study Roman military history not only are ignorant of military fieldcraft, they are fatally complicent in the many civil-military dirty tricks the Roman Republic/Empire suffered since it lacked a stoical MORAL BASE. America has better power separations and limits than Rome had but still has no MORAL BASE other than fair play economic exploitation of terrain; and has been taken over by the immoral Illuminati DEEP STATE secret society's MILINDCOMP accumulating immense wealth making widgets in the 1900 Industrial Age and mass-brain-washing hypnotic powers over sheeple with the 2000 DISinformation Age.  

Reformers: Where is your personal SECURITY?

Fulton notes secretary Lincoln told JFK not to travel to Dulles/Dallas because her Secret Service source warned he'd be shot there. We know British military intelligence warned JFK weeks before on THE SAINT TV series with operative Roger Moore about high-powered rifle assassination. 


Yet he went and was murdered in group ambush.

What is it with lefty reformers that they are fatally ignorant of kinetic energy risks to their lives.


Much funner fondling Angie Dickinson's glorious breasts than going to a range and firing a rifle.

Got it.


WTFO? JFK you were in the U.S. Navy and understood KE gunfire--you mounted a 37mm cannon scrounged from the ARMY to your PT-109 patrol boat for extra firepower. 


Do not trust the Secret Service wannabe military men envious of all the sexy ladies you are bedding out of Addison disease desperation. HIRE SOME PROS. TAKE WARNINGS SERIOUSLY. Read much about the Roman PRAETORIAN Guards?

Undercover SS Agent Robertson was probably the man who approached the unguarded JFK limo for ostensibly a handshake; he failed to WARN JFK to avoid Dealey Plaza and was arrested. His widow got paychecks thereafter to silence her.  



I mean really. You already had what happened to your brother, JFK as a warning. Where were the U.S. MARSHALLS Fulton speaks of willing to loyally protect you? Where was the personal BODYguard constantly shielding you from close-range shots like from fuckwad Security Guard Thane Casear that murdered you?

Why were you not wearing a bullet-resistant vest? (I know Thane shot him in the back of the head).


The horror of the rifle shot to his neck is too troubling to recount. WTF chose the hotel you stayed in surrounded by potential shooting positions? Maybe less loud-mouthed Jesse Jacksons and John Lewises and COMPETENT SECURITY personnel and you'd be alive even today? 

If you are going to fight EVIL; GET SECURITY. Get a James Bond Shield. Fulton proposes some sort of effective whistle-blower protection from personal assassination. 

AVOID FLYING IN AIRPLANES like NFL analyst/coach John Madden used to do.

The CIA is good at sabotaging planes for sick political murders.  

The Sheeple are the Real Villains Here?

Simply awful. How many times will civilian normie sheeple see this and DO NOTHING to DISBAND THE MILINDCOMP--CIA, FBI, SS that did this Coup in '63 still in effect today?

Moreover, the decent 35%ers haven't figured this out yet--or else they'd have the CIA, FBI and the rest of the MILINDCOMP DISBANDED so the psych-sociopaths don't have playgrounds for their dirty tricks crimes. How many fucking JFK movies like hedonist pro-druggie usage, Vietnam combat veteran, Oliver Stone's brilliant movie and book revelations is it going to take? 

We Proved the CIA/LBJ Murdered JFK in 2000 in a FREE web site:


Stone's "JFK" points out the X-100 limousine STOPPED to help the multiple shooters as per what was learned from the DeGaulle motorcade going-too-fast ambush failures: re: watch "The Day of the Jackal"

We even did a scale-model animation of how JFK's limousine STOPPED to help the multiple shooters hit him--and not the beloved Jackie. The threat from MLINDCOMP sickos forced Jackie and her family to flee America--which frankly they should NOT have returned to years later. 


...and I furthered the understanding of the Dulles instigation of JFK's murder in Dulles, Texas in 2011:

James Bond is REAL


David Talbot further proved embittered ex-CIA Director Allen Dulles Lead the JFK Murder Conspiracy in his 2015 book:

The Devil's Chessboard


Fulton has fucking audio recordings of JFK detailing the struggles he was having with MILINDCOMP war mongers lusting for WW3 that they themselves would somehow survive? * As Fulton says, these are un-impeachable 1st person evidentiary proofs sheeple can't dismiss as opinions. 

So what's it going take, American sheeple?

The 1787 Founding Fathers did not create a FBI or CIA--much less a National Security DEEP STATE--Illuminati POTUS puppet Truman did this in the aftermath of WW2 in 1945. America has gone downhill ever since. 

I salute Chris Fulton's fucking heroic COURAGE fighting Illuminati evil; you can see the pain in his eyes as he tals. 


POTUS Trump should full presidential pardon him and award HIM--yes, HIM--THE MEDAL OF FREEDOM. 

We need more men/women like him. 

P.S.: thanks for introducing to us the term, "for purpose" to describe conspiracy actions sheeple can't tolerate the "C" word culturally maligned by the CIA in 1967. 


POTUS JFK with General LeMay: Both lived life recklessly, only 1 thought he was invincible

* A book I've yet to write points out the battle-invincibility delusions USAF General LeMay and Cuban infantry combatant, Che' Guevara had that almost lead to nuclear WW3 during the 1962 Cuban missile crisis. Frankly, I'm fucking tired tossing pearls to sheeple swine. For some reasons--I think supernatural, evil demonic powers helping them, both LeMay and Guevara somehow survived countless battles where everyone around them were getting killed--created dangerous attitudes of personal invincibility that no senior government position should be filled with should have. Obviously, LeMay thought he'd survive WW3 in a Deep Underground Military Base (DUMB) and the impoverished Che' wouldn't care one way or the other if he lived or died in his righteous "struggle". 

DISBAND (black hedonistTALK: "defund") THE CIA. DISBAND THE FBI. Reduce the USMIL and reform into a war-preventing, war-winning PROFESSION. 

Not willing to do this? 

STFU about JFK or RFK or MLK "justice" and go back to your consumer hedonism. Go join a black Lies Marxist or ANTIFAggott riot and rage against the police who stand in the way of your immoral hedonistic practices. 

The 1787 U.S. Constitution (USC) needs serious upgrading to prevent secret society membership in ANY USG position, elimination of FFA reality frauds like JFK/9/11 happening. 
James Bond is REAL.  
