
TactiSMART 005: COVID 19 Demands the U.S. Army Adopts the SPORK-Tooth-Brush-Razor into Every MRE N-O-W to Stop Soldier Germ Contamination

An upside to the COVID 19 Panic-demic is America--and her sub-society, the military--is finally taking biological threats seriously. 

It's not like I didn't tell everyone so--but I did WARN the U.S. Army--and the world thru the www/666 internet starting in 1995. 


On-going scrutiny of the germological implications of every aspect of human life is now underway--AND THIS IS A VERY GOOD THING.

Mozey down to your bathroom.

Ponder your UNSAFE & DANGEROUS toothbrush sitting their filled with germs from your last use multiplying yet you re-use it  again & again...and again. Keeping your mouth clean is a key COVID 19 preventative measure. 

And we wonder why we haven't beat the common cold? Why we even have a cold/flu season?

1st counter-measure YOU SHOULD DO IMMEDIATELY is sanitize your toothbrush bristles in mouthwash before and after every use.

VOILA! Problem solved. no?

NO. A thousand, million germs times N.O. 

Like America can't seem to make a small plastic bottle to hold CLP oil in your AR15/M16 butt stock that doesn't leak--every mouthwash bottle LEAKS like a sieve--countless times I've arrived by plane before the 9/11 panic-moral collapse smelling "minty fresh" because my mouthwash bottle leaked. 

The Soldier cannot afford the weight & mess of yet another liquid--in this case mouthwash on his body harming his Soldier's Load, lack of foot mobility problem. 

We Have the Answer--Since 1995: the BATTLESPORK

This is NOT a Field eXpedient DIY article though, YES, you--and every other G.I. could become his/her own logistical supply depot and buy disposable toothbrushes, razors and water-less, multi-use soap for every Meal, Ready-to-Eat (MRE) and this is absurd madness brought on by a lazy, fuck-you, you-are-on-your-own U.S. military bureaucracy. 

The most efficient, simplest, lightest way to solve Soldier oral and facial hygiene needs is by molding a few fucking miligrams of plastic into the pre-existing plastic MRE spoon--a SPORK-Tooth Brush Razo (SPORK-TBR). Sheesssh. Like this is putting men on the moon (done by Anti-Gravity Craft aka AGC routinely in secret) or even the cool Apollo 13 improvisation to duct tape together a CO2 scrubber to save the astronauts which incidentally was my inspiration to write Fx articles starting with marine corps Gazette in the 1980s.  

The extra ounces of plastic needed for toothbrush bristles, plastic covering and rails for sliding a self-cleaning razor cartridge would be somewhat compensated by removing some plastic in the spoon to make fork-like tines to better stab & grab that delicious MRE food filled with chemicals for a 15-year shelf-life. 

After eating each MRE meal, the Soldier brushes his teeth with the handle end of the SPORK-TBR by removing its plastic cover and using the supplied packet (with mirror side) of water-less, multi-use soap that can be used as toothpaste or shaving cream. AMWAY offers such a product. 

The shaving rails accept a self-cleaning, double/triple razor cartridge (supplied by the G.I. based on what's best for his face) for facial shaving in the morning before MRE breakfast for a smooth face VITALLY CRITICAL TO AN AIR-TIGHT SEAL when wearing the Field Protective Mask (FPM) aka ProMask aka gas mask as its known to civilian normies. A lot of bearded hipster libtards and Middle Eastern ragheads are going to die from COVID 19 even if they wear the best N95 face masks because they ignore the natural laws of objective, physical reality, God the Creator has us living in. The waterless multi-use soap packet should have one side a mirror for close shaving and emergency Escape & Recovery aka SERE rescue signalling. 


A small piece of hook hard velcro on the opposite side of the packet enables it to attach to a rucksack's soft loop velcro square for hands-free vision for close shaving without facial cuts aka knicks--another danger spot for germ infection that must be avoided.

The SPORK-TBR is an uniquely American design that mass-produced means vital jobs to help re-start our economy after the COVID 19 hibernation ends. 

Where Do We Go From Here?

Obviously the do-nothing-always excuse-monger milicrats at Natick Labs responsible for Soldier field living equipment will not likely adopt the SPORK-TBR because its the RIGHT & DECENT & WAR-WINNING thing to do. Army Bio-Chemical-Radiological warfare aka Nuclear, Biological, Chemical (NBC) experts could weigh-in on this issue--but they are not combat-arms Soldiers and must remain silent as 2nd class citizens (Wayne's World: "We are not worthy! we are not worthy!) and not have their own professional, objective reality-based, military opinion on Soldier field living methods & means--just like they don't say squat about why isn't every Army vehicle equipped with air filtration so contaminants are stopped there--instead of essentially too late on the body. Just like Army Combat Engineers don't stand up and be counted with their years of mobility studies proving ALL Army vehicles must be low ground pressure, tracked & armored for maximum cross-country mobility to AVOID road-side bombs aka land mines. What good is having expertise compartmentalized so poorly that its wisdom is neutered from positively directing America's Army's direction towards victory?  


Instead, we have high ground pressure, wheeled truck, road-kill flaming death traps because war & environmental factor-ignorant, combat-arms Soldiers rise to mislead Headquarters Department of the Army (HQDA). You think I'm a tad bit bitter at them?

Our best hope is somehow getting the attention of no-non-sense--and very decent--President Trump and alerting them to the fact that America's Soldiers are at germ risks because of a lack of a few minuscule amounts of molded plastics. 

POTUS Trump would likely order the Army to adopt the SPORK-TBR--if informed of the situ-mess. 

UPDATE: CIVSPORK in  a Fruit Cup--USMIL Can't Do What Civilian Normies Can Do?

CIVSPORK in a Fruit Cup

WHO do we have soaking up half of America's GNP?

A bunch of egotistical losers who can't innovate or do things efficiently? 

Even the Russian Defense Minister gave us some friendly advice to STOP WASTING BILLIONS on 100+ foreign overseas bases and 10x crap aircraft carrier battlegroups. 

We just discovered a CIVSPORK in a civilian fruit cup--and the USMIL somehow can't provide one in each MRE with a toothbrush and shaving cartridge rail on its handle?


James Bond is REAL.  

Social Distance: 27 Feet akin to the Personal Defense Zone (PDZ) needed to combat a knife attack:



Study: Coronavirus Droplets Can Travel 27 Feet
PIC: Fools People in New York City's Central Park (Cindy Ord/Getty Images)
By Lynn Allison    |   Tuesday, 31 March 2020 11:03 AM

A Massachusetts Institute of Technology researcher's findings suggest the current 6-foot social distancing rule to prevent spreading of the coronavirus might not be tough enough.

Lydia Bourouiba, Ph.D., an MIT associate professor, found that when people exhale, droplets carrying the virus can travel in gaseous clouds as far as 27 feet, USA Today reported.

Her research is at odds with recommendations given by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization that recommend six feet and three feet of space between people, respectively.

"There's an urgency in revising the guidelines currently being given by the WHO and the CDC on the needs for protective equipment, particular for frontline healthcare workers", Bourouiba told USA TODAY.

She published her research March 26 in the Journal of the American Medical Association, and remarked that current standards of social distancing were formulated in the 1930s and, "by modern standards, seem overly simplified."

"Implementing public health recommendations based on these older models may limit the effectiveness of the proposed interventions," the expert stated in JAMA. She said that peak exhalation speeds can reach 33 to 100 feet per second, and "currently used surgical masks and N95 masks are not tested for these potential characteristics of respiratory emissions."

Additionally, Bourouiba said that in her research, smaller droplets of the virus can exist in a gas cloud after exhalation for a longer period of time than otherwise thought — up to several minutes.


COVID 19 Home Health Tips

Doctors are reporting they now understand the behavior of the COVID 19 virus due to autopsies that they have carried out. This virus is characterized by obstructing respiratory pathways with thick mucus that solidifies and blocks the airways and lungs. So they have discovered that in order to apply a medicine you have to open and unblock these airways so that the treatment can be used to take effect however all of this takes a number of days. Their recommendations for what you can do to safeguard yourself are ...

1) Drink lots of hot liquids - coffees, soups, teas, warm water. In addition take a sip of warm water every 20 minutes bc this keeps your mouth moist and washes any of the virus that’s entered your mouth into your stomach where your gastric juices will neutralize it before it can get to the lungs.

2) Gargle with an antiseptic and warm water like vinegar or salt or lemon every day if possible


Can Gargling KO the Coronavirus?
PIC: woman using mouthwash to gargle
By Lynn Allison    |   Monday, 30 March 2020 01:38 PM

The Amish believe that gargling with hot salt water creates a hostile environment for germs, according to Dr. Patrick Quillin Ph.D., author of "Amish Folk Medicine". In the maelstrom of research on how to stop the deadly coronavirus, the topic of gargling is generating interest, according to The New York Times.

Dr. Neal Naito, M.D., writes that while no ‘rigorous trials’ have been conducted to test the validity of gargling to fight the virus, a Japanese study in 2003 found that using a providone-iodine solution to gargle four times daily led to a 50% reduction in the incidence of acute upper respiratory infections. According to Poison Control, the combination of providone and iodine is a common antiseptic that is relatively safe if used properly but can cause major damage when misused.

According to the Times, a recent German study reported that a providone-iodine sore throat gargle solution was effective in eliminating over 99% of the coronaviruses that cause SARS and MERS which are close cousins to COVID-19.

In the United States, povidone-iodine solutions are available only as skin disinfectants and experts warn they can be dangerous if ingested. In Canada, a povidone-iodine gargling solution is available under the brand name of Betadine. According to Naito, even the common mouthwash Listerine has been shown to have some anti-viral activity in test-tube studies.

In England, a solution of one teaspoon of salt in a cup of water was used as a gargle and to irrigate nasal passages. Researchers in this study found that gargling up to six times daily with the homemade solution significantly reduced the incidence of colds and flu.

According to WebMD, however, there is no evidence that gargling can prevent or eliminate the coronavirus.

Typically, the virus enters your body when you breathe in the virus that’s floating in the air after it was coughed or sneezed by an infected person,” say experts on the site. “Another way the virus gains entry into your body is when we touch our nose with our hands contaminated with the virus. In both instances, the virus never lands in the part of the throat that gargling would even touch.”

While Naito, a former director of public health for the U.S. Navy, acknowledges that current evidence is limited, he suggests that “there seems to be little downside to frequent gargling.”


3) The virus attaches itself to hair and clothes. And detergent or soap kills it but you must take bath or shower when you get in from the street. Avoid sitting down in your home and go straight to the shower. If you cannot wash your clothes daily, hang them in sunlight which also helps to neutralize the virus

4) Wash metallic surfaces very carefully bc the virus can stay viable on these for up to 9 days. Take note and be vigilant about touching hand rails, door knobs, etc. and keep these clean in home home

5) Don’t smoke

6) Wash your hands every 20 minutes with any soap that foams and do this for 20 seconds

7) Eat fruits and vegetables. Try to elevate your zinc levels

8) Animals do not spread the virus to people. Its a person-to-person transmission.

9) Try to avoid getting the common flu as this already weakens your system and try to avoid eating and drinking any cold things.

10) If you feel any discomfort in your throat or a sore throat coming on, attack it immediately using the above methods. The virus enters the system through the throat but will sit in the throat for 3-4 days before it passes into your lungs.

In addition ...

Experts suggest doing this simple verification every morning: Breathe in deeply and hold your breath for 10 seconds. If this can be done without coughing, without difficulty, this shows that there is no fibrosis in the lungs, indicating the absence of infection. It is recommended to do this control every morning to help detect infection.


Spanish Army MREs: Toothbrush, paste provided! Listening, U.S. ARMY?


Around 1:40
