SpyTHINK 003: COVID 19 COVERT TAKE-OVER: Brave New Normieland for Immoral Hedonists

The Founding Fathers recognized the danger of having a LARGE STANDING ARMY--or marine korps---with NOTHING TO DO. 

Today's normie sheeple hedonists do not. 

When crisis strikes these would-be heroes want a PIECE OF THE ACTION. 

I should know I is one of them--a former U.S. Army/Mc Infantry NCO and officer. Its how we've been hard-wired. 

Nevermind that Soldiers manning roadblocks without at least N95 standard face masks let alone in scary MOPP 4 is incompetent madness. 

"Don't sneeze on me or I'll shoot!" 

The point being is the government taken-over by evil men can and will order the large standing Army/Moron Korps to arrest, attack and imprison the civilian populace into FEMA Death Camps--unless they are ARMED as is their inalienable, Natural Law and divine right expressed in the 2nd Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. 

This is why the DEEP STATE Illuminati are now pulling their Anti-2A dirty tricks during the PANIC-demic to disarm the American people. Their current goal is to turn America into a Huxleyian "Brave New World" of sex-with-poop Hedonist HIVE at the expense of secular and religious stoics who rightly understand our world doesn't work at 100% efficiency and must have everyone pitch-in and work. 

FWIW, here's the infamous "Q-ANON" take on the PANIC-demic:


THE PLAN….FOR THOSE WHO KNOW NEXT TO NOTHING ...very simple and clear about what's going on 

See Videos 1 through 10... (#5)  is missing... 

Covers the main points.  

Useful for friends and family... doesn't know everything--but very good.


James Bond is REAL

P.S. what with the Army Corps of Engineers General wearing his jump wings on his pocket and not where its supposed to be above his ribbons?
